"I know it's just hard. I wish your father was more accepting. I always knew you were gay in a way. In 1st grade you kissed a boy at the park and turned to me and said 'mommy girls lips will never be as good as boys. I want to date a boy.'" She chuckled.

"Omg I feel bad for that kid now." I laughed.

The car rides tension went down as we talked about good times and dumb childhood things I did. Finally after an hour I arrived at the airport. Mom helped me get my luggage out, which was a suitcase and a black tote bag.

I put the stuff on the ground and went up to my mom and gave her a huge hug.

"I'll be back soon mom don't worry..." I said.

"Taehyung, promise me something." My mom said into my ear.

"Yeah?" I loosened the hug then let go and looked at her.

"Promise me you will find someone you love and stay with them. I don't care if it's a boy, stay with who you love and don't let your dad affect your happiness. I want you to find someone you can love and kiss with passion, not forced love like all the girlfriends you brought home." She offered a week smile once more.

"I promise mom." I smiled back. For some reason Jungkook is the person who popped up in my head, my cheeks heated up remembering the photo he sent me last night. Not much of his dick was seen but you could could see the tip in the shadow of his boxers and his hand wrapped around the base.

I felt bad for Jungkook knowing he is going to be embarrassed in the morning when he reads our last texts wondering what happened.

But it made my night. Drunk Jungkook is not that bad on the receiving end of it.

I hugged my mom one more time then turned and walked into the airport.

"I love you mom!" I waved a final time at her then walked in the doors.

Security was smooth, I was relieved when I sat down in the terminal area. Eventually 7:30 came and they announced our plane was boarding. Seeing it waiting out there made me super nervous.

Its. A. Fucking. Death. Trap.

I got on and went to my row, then I put my bag in the overhead storage bin. My seat was the window one. I tried to calm myself telling myself that if the plane starts to crash I'll be the first to know and the first to jump off.

"I hope I don't die I want to meet Jungkook...I want to see his beautiful face in person and be there for him in person instead of texting. I want to be able to hug him when he cries, kiss him when he's being cute. I want to be able to compliment him and take all his insecurities away. I want to protect him." I thought to myself, then blushed at the thought of having him as my own.

I'm definitely falling for Jungkook but I don't care because it's the best feeling in the world.

The plane took off smoothly and I listened to music most of the ride, the people next to me were nice, they talked to me during takeoff to calm my nerves. It was a girl and a guy that turned out to be brother and sister.

When the food cart came around I ordered thirteen packs of peanuts, the people beside me laughed at my order and they asked if I was a stress eater, I just laughed and said yes.

Later on I learned their names were Kai and Leena. They were traveling to Seoul for their moms wedding. 4th wedding apparently. They decided to travel together so it would be easier.

Eventually I fell asleep.

"Jungkook is that you?" I saw a figure running towards me.

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