Chapter 27 'Confessions Under The Stars pt 2'

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Author's Note:
Hey guys ! How are you all ? So, today I have decided something I will set goals for each update and when the update reaches that goal I would upload the next part sounds good right ?

So today's goal is 100 votes and 35 comments. Last update hardly reached 80+ votes, and I am so sad about it though the part was short but the hardwork behind every word, every emotion was there. You won't believe but writing this 500+ words is damn hard.

Third Person's POV:

She watched him leave the terrace, she couldn't help but curse herself “Pagal Swara” not knowing it wasn't her fault but his.

She felt so bad, she waited and waited for him to return and when she finally made up her mind that he again left her, when her heart was feeling a tiny bit hope. He again crushed it.

But before her mind can say 'I told you so' she heard sound of footsteps and there he was standing looking distraught as ever. She could see he was hurt just by looking at hiss face, and her face changed into hurt.

He was quick to notice the prickling tears and the hurt, he came stalking towards her and there at that moment. Her head finally whispers 'I told you so, he would hurt you again' but nothing like this happened.

He cupped her face and said, “No, don't feel hurt for me I deserved it. I deserved it, if hearing from you feels this bad I don't know how much I had hurt you”

For a split second she thought his eyes became moist but he was quick to avoid her eyes and hide his vulnerable side. But little did he knew today is the night, his darkest fears will come out.

“Can we stop this game for a while” she asked because this was too much.

“Ok” he whispered


They were staring at the stars while lost in their own thoughts. She had never see him looking so broken, so dejected. Her heart was hurting too.

She doesn't know how to comfort him. So, she did the only thing that would matter and interested their hands. Because sometimes all you need is a presence of a certain someone to heal.

And she don't know, her this small gesture means a world to him.

“Can We continue Swara ?” he asked after several minutes.

“Yes” she said

“What's your favorite dish” he asked causing her to look at him in surprise

“What” he asked with a small smile

“Nothing, I just thought you ... Anyways, my favorite dish is ice-cream with pizza” she said and he blinked his eyes several time

“What ? Seriously ? Who eat pizza with ice-cream” he chuckled

“I do” she said smugly and her lips curved upwards. She knew Sanskaar only asked this question to lighten the atmosphere and this made her heart flutter that just for her, he wasted his 1 question. But she won't.

“My Turn, Sanskaar when did you feel something for my other than hate and why ?”

He sighed shooting her a sideways glance “Swara to be honest, I never felt anything towards you other than loath. Hate is a small word compare to what I felt at the beginning ..” he stopped looking at her face

But decided to continue it “But, Swara there was something in you that pulled me towards you. Loathing you was hard but loving you at the same time loathing you was harder. It was hard fighting those feelings. Do you remember when you took care of me, there at that moment something snapped and from then I was hell bent on hurting you in order to avoid those feelings”

He completed and watched her face closely she sighed and didn't say anything and it was completely fine with him.

“My turn Swara, Why Did you do this ? I know you love me but I also know that you won't do such thing to your own sister than why ? Swara Why ?”

*A.U: Much Awaited part TAN TAN TAN 😂*

Seeing her hesitating he said, “No pressure but Swara I really want to clear this, because we can't move forward without knowing”

Taking a deep breath “Do you remember Sanskaar ? She and I both lived at that awful excuse of a house 'Whore House'.”

She continued “But being the youngest, and I being her sister I saved her from those men but that a day a man came and he saw her. After that he came everyday but I saved her and than you came. You both fell in love and I don't when I fell in love with you too. Maybe seeing your behaviour towards my sister made me wish that I was at her before but I better knew than wish it. Anyways, When he got to know about your and her relationship. He was mad, so mad that he immediately went to Meghna and asked her to buy Sneha. I couldn't let that happen so I begged him to leave her alone and he promised me to do it but in return he asked me to marry you and made me sign a contract. For her I did but I never knew she would do this Sanskaar or else I would have died before doing something like that” she completed and big fat tears rolled down on her cheeks.

He immediately hugged her and continued crying in the crook of his neck.

“Shh Swara, Shh it's over”

“It was not your fault”

“You were just helping her”

He continued to whisper this in her ears and finally after what feels like forever she stopped crying and looked up with her puffy eyes and said, “Sanskaar” she said too quietly but he managed to hear it.

“Yes, princess” he said softly. As if afraid, that If he would talk loudly than he will break the doll.

“Sanskaar ..” before she could say something he hushed her.

“Please let me Say” he pleaded

“Okay” she breathed

“Thank You Swara For Everything. For giving me a second chance. For trying to trust me. For not running away” he said and breathed out and kissed her forehead.

“and For being the girl who loved me selflessly”

Episode Ends !

Recap: Not decided yet !

Ugh ! It was the hardest episode to write, of course not harder than 15th but still and the longest 1000+ words 😂

Guys it took a lot of brain to actually wrote this update So,

Don't forget to vote and Comment ❤💞

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