Chapter 16 'Monster'

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Third Person's POV

His hands burned but this is not what he was worried about, even after 5 mints he was still staring at the contract in disbelief. He couldn't believe it.

Suddenly, he remembered Swara. She said goodbye in the letter.

No, she can't leave him not at least without an apology from him, holding his hairs he don't know where she had gone.

Fear a four letter word but so powerful that I can make a strongest person weak, that is exactly what he is feeling right now.

Looking at the letter again, and again

Suddenly, he realized the blood marks are real and that ignites more fear in him more than he ever felt.

Looking at the bathroom door he don't know but a hope ignites in his heart and without thinking anything he opened the door.

And, and the sight in front of him broke his already broken heart into so much tiny pieces that it can't be explain in word the pain he felt, the way he felt seeing her in that condition just because of him.

Today, he felt like a loser no sorry a MONSTER.

Swara was sitting on the marble floors with blood all around her, she was not unconscious but she was not fully conscious as well.

She was blinking her eyes rapidly to make sure she was looking OK ? Or is he finally here.

Sitting on his toes he looked at the blood oozing from her upper hands and finally his eyes settled on her wrist and the breath was knocked out of him.

She had cuted her nerves.

Quickly scooping semi-conscious swara in his arms he ran.

While running he heard her say "Sanskaar, are you really here but now I am leaving god knows how much i dreamt of this moment" she said but her voice was not above a whisper and her eyes were dropping low.

"Yes,  yes I am here and you are not going anywhere" he said his voice firm.

Today he realized how wrong he was, how much he had hurt her but still this girl had loved him selflessly.

And he had hurt her more than anything yet she still loved him. It is possible to hate himself and wanting to kill himself. If yes then he want nothing more than to kill himself right now.

Seeing swara in this situation he realized that from the start he was hating the wrong person and hurting the wrong person.

Sitting outside the OT he was holding his hairs, his bloodshot from all the tears that had not escaped from his eyes but still there, bloody shirt and hands and pale face.

He was portraying the image of a guy who had lost everything and maybe he did.

She is fighting for her life because of him, because he fucking hurt her so much that she starts self harming herself and then finally she committed suicide.

And now he will do everything in his will power to earn her forgiveness.

He didn't realize but he was hurting because she was hurting and that means only one thing he was in love with her and he still didn't know !

Episode Ends !

Recap: Next Episode Name "I-Don't-know-yet"

So guys finally updated another part and please tell me it isn't that bad because seriously I think this is the worst part and about the past yes I have not written it clearly because where's the fun in that anyways but of course I will show the past. Not now.

And please do not forget to vote and comment (I love reading them and they motivates me to update early)

And yeah am gonna update my new story OBSESS soon and Idk m getting vibes that you all will love it.

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