Chapter 21 'Tired'

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Third Person's POV:

Lost in his thoughts he was looking at the sunset not knowing that a certain pair of eyes were watching him with curiosity.


For the first time, she slept like a baby without any worries, without any fears and when she open her eyes all her fear, hurt, pain return with full force.

She couldn't help but think maybe he is acting just to hurt her more,just to break her more.

And how could she not think that of course he did before too on the night of their wedding.

He was there standing watching the sunset and thinking something, and there she gets a full chance to look at her heartbreaker.

Knowing him, she knows once she will recover he will hurt her. And that brings a headache, tears filled her eyes only thinking about his next torture.

She can't bear more, she is tired,So damn tired.

She remembers how all night he shower her with kisses and her forehead, on her cheeks she could feel it even in her sleep.

But now when she thinks, maybe the torture would be bigger than previous ones.

He turned around and she quickly closed her eyes, but the tears rolled down. He sighed and sat beside her "Swara, Why are you crying again" he asked softly.

She opened her eyes and look at him.for a few seconds hoping to understand what is he thinking

Little did she knew he was thinking the opposite of what she is thinking now.

"Sanskaar" she said in her broken little voice.

"Yes Princess" he said softly while caressing her cheeks with his fingers.

More tears rolled down her eyes, she closed her eyes and said "Please don't hurt me, please Sanskaar" she pleaded while slowly opening his eyes.

And the sight was completely different, she thought his reaction will be evil laughs, smirks but no there was a frown on her forehead and he looked, he looked rather sad.

"Swara, Swara" he asked for her attention

He continued "Swara, I will not hurt you ever again" he said softly.

And all she did was to stare at him blankly thinking maybe his mind is not on his right place or maybe while hurting her, he becomes a nutcase.

"Yeah, Yahi Howa Hoga" she thought in her mind.

She came in her senses when she felt his touch and she flinched.

And his sad face change into a mixture of hurt and pain, But he did deserve that.

"Just.. Just please don't to..touch me" she stutter.

she said that sentence just to test him whether he will explode or not but

In return he just looked at her with so much hurt that it nearly broke her heart.

"Swara, I won't hurt you. I promise" he said while raising his hands to cup her face.

"Sanskaar just.. please ..don'..don't" she hiccups while crying.


Episode Ends !

Recap: next chappy name 'Pushing Away'

So, Surprise my dear readers !
You all wanted Sanskaar to suffer more and Swara to stand up right ?!
Sanskaar will suffer and Swara will stand up not that business woman Waala Stand up but she will !

So get ready for updates which you all have been waiting for. Nok jhok, romance at the same time emotions will be there.

Check out my other book called Obsessed

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