Lost miraculous part 1

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Note to the few people who will probably read this, this is my first proper fan fiction (i'm not sure the other one really counted, it was a bit of a spoof) and it's Marichat, duh. That is my OTP and i hope you enjoy.

Alya and Marinette were talking. Marinette sounded. scared - actually no- terrified. But then Alya didn't think she'd be any different if she was in this situation.

"yes, yes. Yes he did want you to come. No it really isn't a big deal. NO. DON'T WEAR YOUR BEST DRESS. calm down. it's a casual get together not a date. Marinette stop freaking out me and Nino will be there too. Yes. at 6:30. at the cinema. yes. ok. ok. you'll be fine. bye."

Alya sighed as she hung up. Marinette was overreacting like always. it was to be expected. a simple get together at the cinema and she was making a big fuss just because Adrien was there. However, no matter how scared she was now, Marinette was sure to have lots of fun. Alya was certain. Perhaps I'll help Marinette out and be the matchmaker tonight, thought Alya, mischievously...

Marinette sat in her room, on skype with Alya. Alya hung up and then, to her surprise, Adrien called her. Her face went red like a tomato and she nearly dropped her phone. Her finger hovered over the button before she accepted the call.

"hi Marinette."

"hi", she replied nervously, wondering what on earth Adrien wanted to tell her this late at night.

"Just asking, but are you coming to the cinema with us tomorrow evening. I want to make sure i have the right number of tickets."

Marinette internally paled. why was he buying their tickets? Her ticket?

"uh, Adrien? you don't have to buy my ticket. i will."

Adrien gave a small laugh. "of course you're buying your own ticket! i don't have that much money, you know because I only get paid for my modelling once i'm 18. I'm just ordering them online for you all because this particular movie is very popular and we might not get tickets on the day. But i'm really happy you're coming anyway. It's going to be fun!"

"oh. Well ok. there see you. i mean see you there." Adrien hung up before he could see the blush on her face. the blush of embarrassment. Marinette felt like an idiot. An absolute idiot.

At the cinema...

Alya and Nino were walking together, holding hands and doing all that sappy gross stuff that you do when you're in a relationship. Marinette looked at them enviously then looked at Adrien who was just walking awkardly on his own. well technically not on his own because they were all walking together but still- on his own. She carried on walking pushing out any naughty thoughts that might come to mind. The film hadn't started yet and they were sitting on a bench outside the cinema chatting and laughing with 10 minutes to spare.

"sooooooooooo", said Alya. "who's your crush, Adrien?" She made her eyes super innocent.

"Alya, stop it", said marinette worriedly. Alya just gave an evil glance in her direction and then turned back to Adrien expectantly.

"I'm not saying." said Adrien.

"why not?" asked Nino.

"because you'd laugh at me."

"no we wouldn't!"

"yes you would."

"Why would we laugh at you?"

"because this girl probably has so many admirers that i'd just be a drop in the sea."

Not me then, thought Marinette, miserably. She didn't even want to hear who it was. She knew that Adrien didn't like her but it would make it worse, talking about who he does actually like.

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