She nods, swiping her blonde hair over her right shoulder," yes I am. However this is an exclusive for you, I won't be releasing it until after my tour is over."

"Right, isn't your first stop England?"

"Yep, then I'm heading to Germany."

"How exciting is it?" I ask.

She chuckles," it's awesome. I do just about everything for the fans, I love them, they make it all worth it."

"God that must be thrilling." I muse.

"It is."

We help them find flowers for Val's bouquet, the chairs, and the center pieces.

Then we head to the food tastings

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Then we head to the food tastings. Their wedding was themed around Venice so most of the food we try is Italian.

I'm overwhelmed with taste: garlic, cheese, tomatoes. It's a lot of pasta and bread and sausage.

After we've been served a few dishes Val and Markus as us our opinions and we choose the foods we like to which they pick for the reception.

It's insane really. They'll be married in a month. Exactly a month, 30 days from today.

"Hey niecie, two days till your big show. You excited?" Markus asks throwing an arm around my shoulder.

Two days?!

Holy shit!

"Uh, you sure it's two days?" I ask.

He nods," yeah totally. Before we head home we're stopping by the venue for your show. You  can get an idea of where to put things and yada yada."

"I'm not, I haven't even gotten my photos developed, I-I there's so much to be done I-"

Stopping, Markus puts his hands on my shoulders," chill there firecracker. Lukas has already developed your photos. Remember the last meeting you had with him?"

I nod.

"Yeah those photos are with our best guy now and he's developing them. Catering is handled, the guest list is being formed, the venue is selected. All you have to do is go to the venue and decide where you want everything and when the day rolls around you turn on that Stratton/Osborne charm and knock the socks off those investors." He encourages.

I nod again. My hair falling over my shoulders and curtaining my face. With a sigh I push my hair back out of my face.

"I got this." I smile.

"Hell yeah you do. One more stop and then we're heading to the venue, kay?"


The last stop we make is their wedding venue. They want our take on seating arrangements and such.

Handling the seating was fairly easy. Except for Val's family.

It sucks but she was unsure if her own mother was showing up to the wedding and that changes things.

Her dad is all on board having accepted Markus before he and Val went to college. Her mom though, she's never liked my uncle, never.

Sure enough after the venue and seating was fixed and assigned Markus, Ma, and I go to the venue for my show. Bay and Val are going out to dinner.

The venue looks elegantly basic. All the walls are white. Pillars and walls separating certain sections of the building.

It's all waiting to be filled with my art

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It's all waiting to be filled with my art.

"I can see it already. My black and white pieces will go over there," walking around I point to certain spots," my contemporary pieces there, abstract there, and on the wall there is where we will set up the food and drink tables." I tell everyone.

I'm all of a sudden pumped at the ideas and plans for my show.

This is going to put me out there as an artist. This could open doors for me. I could end up making movies or working with models or something big and it's freakin awesome to imagine.

"And here," I spread my arms as I stop in the dimly lit room," is where I'll set my short film."

I squeal and jump up and down excitedly.

Markus and Ma laugh behind me.

"Someone's excited now."

"Thank you Uncle Markus, this is going to be so amazing!" I cheer.

He nods," indeed it will. You're gonna be a star kiddo."

After we leave out of there he treats me and Ma to dinner at Outback before taking us home.

Immediately I rush to Momma and tell her all about my plans for the venue and how geeked I am for my show on Thursday.

Like me she squeals in excitement.

I love my moms. They're both so loving and supportive.

Quite sadly I know a lot of kids who's parents would think this dream of photography is stupid and that it's not a good way to be successful.

Not Alex and Jessica though. They look at me like I'm a star and they'll never tell me I can't do something, unless they know I'm bad at it.

Still giddy I run up to my room, pull my phone out, lie down on my bed, and dial Jasmine.

She answers on the third ring.

"Hey mighty lion." She greets.

I grin," hey there beautiful."

"I miss you, we have to see each other tomorrow."

"I know right I can't take this." I groan and roll over.

My feet rest on the wall and my head hangs over the edge of the bed.

"Right. It's been a whole day."

"Okay okay! Today has been so absolutely amazing. For one I helped my uncle and his fiancé plan for their wedding which is going to be beautiful and of course you're my plus one!"

She laughs," glad to hear it. Now what's number two?"

"Right I saw the venue for my show on Thursday. I'm so geeked like this is going to be amazing!" I exclaim.

"It's refreshing to hear how excited you are. It's really cute. And I hope I'm invited to your show as well."

"Baby of course you are. Now tell me about your day."

She fires into details of her going to the movies with her aunt and uncle, video chatting with her parents who she ended up arguing with over absolutely nothing, and then she bought games for her PlayStation.

We talk for hours on the phone until she eventually falls asleep.

Her soft snore sounds through the phone but I'm way too tired to hang up and I find myself drifting to sleep after her.

Finding Me - Book 4Where stories live. Discover now