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I'm warmer than usual. It's not a disturbing over bearing heat but it's definitely hot. A heat I've only felt once before when waking up.

Then I feel her stir on top of me and I smile to myself. It wasn't a dream after all.

"Good morning." She mumbles, head tucked in the crook of my neck.

Humming I say," good morning," and place a kiss on the top of her head.

"So it wasn't a dream."

I shake my head," no, thank god it wasn't."

Turning to face her, I cup her cheek, and push her hair behind her ear. She starts to lean in and so do I before stopping abruptly.

I hop up and sprint into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I run a brush through my hair and brush my teeth before going back out.

I jump back on the bed, pull her close, and plant my lips on hers.

That's two for three, her kissing me three times and me kissing her twice.

She pulls away with a sigh," unfair. You can't go get rid of your morning breath and not let me."

"I don't care. I'd kiss you anytime, any day, any situation."

Cheeks heating up she lowers her head, my chin on top of it," I hate you." She mumbles.

"Really? We've kissed five times, is that something you do to a person you hate?" I ask.

Her hand smacks my arm lightly before she jumps up," I need to go shower and change."

"Or," I reach over and grab her hand," you can come lie back down with me and we can act like we're the only ones in the world."

She not so reluctantly lets me pull her back and kiss her again.

I can't get enough of it. Her soft lips against mine is all I've dreamed of since I've met her and now that I can kiss her whenever, I can't help myself.

"As appealing as that sounds," she murmurs against my lips," the feast is tonight so we can't stay here forever."

I groan as she backs up again.

She chuckles," I'm going to go shower and change and I'll see you downstairs for breakfast."

"What if," I jump up excitedly on my knees," I take you out for breakfast."

Her eyes roam to the ceiling as she thinks for a moment before nodding," I'll meet you at the front in an hour."

With that she leaves out, the door shutting behind her.

I stare at the door, waiting.

This can't be real. It can't be. It's too good to be true.

However the cameras don't come out, no one jumps out yelling "you just got punked."

This is real. I got her. It's unofficial but I got her.

Then I realize I've wasted ten minutes just staring at the door.

Jumping up I head into the bathroom and shower, washing my hair as well. Then I find an outfit: red timberlands, light blue ripped jeans, a black tank, and a blue and red wind breaker.

After I've gotten ready I braid my hair and pull it into a ponytail and put on a blue snapback. Giving myself a once over I check the time. Ten minutes and I should leave out.

I grab my wallet, phone, and camera bag. Then I leave out.

When I get to the front door I sit on the brick banister and pull my camera out. The lawn of the school stretches so far, sun breaking through the clouds and shining on the grass.

Finding Me - Book 4Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum