"Happy Birthdy to Me!"

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A week. That's how long it's been since my horrible date with Hayden. We've talked about it but we haven't been on a date since. On the brighter side:

It's my birthday!

And it's the weekend!

Nothing like celebrating your birthday on Saturday.

The minute I wake up I'm wafted with the smell of honey and cinnamon. I jump out of bed and pull on the nearest hoodie before heading downstairs.

As I step into the kitchen Chocolate joins the mix of smells.

Oh my god!

For a small girl I eat a crap load of food, and that's exactly what my mom made.

Pancakes, waffles, crapes, eggs, bacon, ham, sausage, strawberries, grapes, cantaloupe, orange juice, and cappuccino.

"My favorite: heaping piles of everything!" I beam.

Momma turns to me smiling and suddenly I feel arms wrap around my waist, I'm lifted off the ground, and I'm spun around.

"Happy birthday princess!" Ma exclaims.

My cheeks heat up," ma put me down." I whine playfully.

She chuckles, sets me down, and hugs me," my princess is 18." She fake cries.

Alexandra Stratton folks! Dramatic as can be. I love her though, best mom ever.

"My turn!" Momma says pulling me into her arms and squeezing.

At this point I'm just smiling and chuckling.

"Come on guys I'm hungry."

"We can't eat until everyone arrives." Momma says.

I sigh," how long will that take?" At my words the doorbell rings.

Ma goes and opens it, I hear a squeal followed by a deep voice saying 'sup bestie', and then Auntie Ali and Uncle Drew come in, followed by my cousins Emilia and Damien.

"Oh my niecie is all grown up!" Ali exclaims immediately as she sees me, engulfing me in a tight hug.

I chuckle," TT come on, it's not that big a deal." 

"Oh yes it is. You will embark on many journeys and meet many people and your senior year will be epic." She says looking in my eyes, hands on my shoulders.

With a roll of my eyes I kiss her cheek and move to greet everyone else.

"Happy birthday kiddo."

"Thanks uncle D." I hug him.

Then I hug my cousins, Emilia squealing in my ear and rocking me back and forth in a hug saying," happy birthday favorite cousin."

"Don't let Kai or Zoie hear you say that."

She giggles," oh please they know."

"Happy birthday cuz."

Smiling at Damien, I hug him and say a quick thanks.

Then momma comes in. Ali squeals and hugs her tightly before pulling away so Drew can hug her as well.

"So how does it feel to be 18?" Emilia asks.

I shrug," the same way it felt to be 17."


"I know right."

Casey, Uncle Austin, Aunt Roxy, Uncle Aiden, Uncle Markus, his fiancé Val, and his brother Lukas, my cousins (Austin and Roxy's kids) Kai and Zoie, all my grandparents Wayne, Isabel, Nick, and CeCe, arrive shortly after.

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