Chapter I : what,what!?

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You can do this. I took a deep breath and and walked up to percy and stuttered, "p- percy?" He looked up and smiled "hey Neeks! what's up?" I took a deep breath but still stuttered "I-I just..... I ummm h-have to tell y-you ummmmm.... that uhhhh..." I stuttered on until he stood up and put his hand on my shoulder-he actually put his hand on my shoulder!!hehe-and said "nico?" I looked up at him and saw him starring at me with his beautiful green eye that made my stomach be come an acrobat "y-ya p-percy?" "Nico, you know you can tell me everything, right?"
I blushed and looked down and muttered "yes percy I know but, but this, this is different and it's just that..." I love you I love you percy and you will never understand how much "I love you" and ........ Shist ! did I just sa...... "wait you what"percy looked down at me with wide eyes. "DAM PERCY (excuse my language it seemed right for the situation) I LOVE YOU I HAVE LOVED YOU EVER SENCE I FIRST SAW YOU ON THAT -THAT CLIFF AND AND I MEAN GODS!!! PERCY!! IM SO -so stupid to tell you because I knew you would react like this and I mean...." by now tears were streaming down my face and percy just stood there like an idiot and when he opened his mouth to say something I just started shouted again. "NO PERCY I FONT WANT TO HEAR IT I HAD ENOUGH OF EVERYONE!!" and I turned and ran for the woods. Jason tried to stop me but I just pushed him away and shadow traveled away to where ever percy wasn't !! I hated him, I hated myself for telling him. I mean I wish I hadn't told him and we would still be friends. we were friends before right? but anyway I absolutely hated Annabeth it's just not fair that she gets percy and I don't but ughhhhh I just hated her. I blinked and then saw two blindingly bright light right in front of me and after that it was all in slow motion.

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