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Corbyn pov —————
My daughter just passed out. Jonah and Louis ran out to find the doctor. Once the staff arrived they dismissed us.

After what feels like forever the doctor came in and said.

Do-She is fine but when I went to get vitamins her heart rate slow down and I tested her blood. Her blood ph is dropping and I need a donor but her blood is rare and she might not make it.

Me-what's her blood type?

Do- negative AB

Me-I have that blood type and so does Christina and Jonah. Please take my blood she needs to live.

We entered her room she looks pail and the doctor connected needles and Jessica's colour started to come back and the doctors pull of my needle. But I feel weak and tired.

Do-Mr.besson you need to rest.

I just nod and slept. I woke up with whispers and I see Christina next to me and I cuddled with her.

Ch-babe are you ok?
Me-yeah I feel better but has Jessica woken up yet?
Li-no she's still in her deep slumber.

I sighed and slowly got up Jonah helped me and I hold my daughters hands. They were warm like they have to be.

Lo-don't worry corbyn I know she will wake up she needs rest.
Z-just like you
Me-I can't stand looking at her like this.
D-we have to wait for her.
Nh-I'm back and I got us some food.

We all ate but Christina had to feed me since I was so weak and I stayed next to my princess the whole time. After everyone changed into comfy clothes we were sitting and I was waiting. Until I felt my hand being squeezed I see jessica trying to move.
Me-guys she's waking up. Jessica if you can hear me please squeeze me hand.

Jessica pov—————
I woke up in darkness I feel an warm hand in mine it has to be dads hand I squeezed it so he had a signal that I'm awake.

C-guys she's waking up. Jessica if you can hear me please squeeze my hand.

I squeezed his hand

C-I need your eyes to open jess.

I open but the light hurt my eyes

C-Zach can you dime the lights
Z-sure. Ok done
C-Jess I want you to slowly open your eyes just take your time ,ok?

I just nod and slowly open my eye. I was adjusting and I see dad I gave a smile and he hugged me.

C-thank god your ok
Me-I'm always ok
H-at least your awake now
Nh-corbyn was about to lose his mind
Jo-yeah he did. Zach I think you can open all the lights but slowly.
Ja-me and Daniel are gonna call the doctor
Ch-thank god your ok. Do you need anything?
Me-can I have some water please.
Ch-sure hun I will get it
Me-I have a question
Jo-shoot it
Me-what happen I only remember being pulled and everything went black.
C-we were eating and you got shot in the head you were pulled out of you seat
Me-o...ohh ,who shoot me?
Li-a guys named Alex
C-what's wrong
Me-Alex he was my childhood friend he will always be their before I moved and her will always be by my side. I just don't understand we didn't leave in bad terms in fact we talked through the phone for a whole year straight until he didn't picked up my calls I called him 10 times and still no answer.
Lo-at least he's going to jail.
Jo-if you want to see him you could.
Me-i don't to see him anymore he betrayed me.

I was now crying but my dad slowly got on bed with me.

C-ohhh I feel bad but we have news that you might like. I think we should tell her now.
Nh-so we are going on tour together.
H- each will perform half of the show
Li-and we will end the show with a song together.
Lo-the song is currently still being written but we are planning to story of my life together.
Me-how long is the tour?
Z-it's a world tour so it should be almost a year.
Me-I wanted to see Jacob before we leave.
Jo-don't worry he will come around.

I sighed. I miss Jacob but I can't meet him.

Just the Daniel and jack came in with a doctor and they did some test and I was left to rest.

I fell asleep.

I was looking at the sunset I was at the beach. I was admiring the sun and the scenery by then I heard foot steps. I turned around to see ALEX!!
Me-what do you want
A-you know I want you dead
Me-why I thought we were friends
A-me friends with you it was all a bet

Alex took a gun and shot me.

I woke up and sit directly.
C-Jess you ok?
Me-I'm fine it's just another nightmare.

Thanks a lot for reading but I won't be updating next week cause of my finals but wish me luck❤️❤️❤️. Don't forget to check out my other stories if you haven't.

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