Chapter 21

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Ray and I haven't spoken since she opened up to me a couple weeks ago. All I knew to do was to hug her and be there at her time of vulnerability because I know how it is to have all these emotions come at you. She packed her things immediately after she stopped crying and walked out with no word. I kept calling Maria for hours to figure out where Ray was. Maria told she was okay and I have been on a spiraling cycle ever since.

Ray and I had this bond where time was on pause and now everything ended. Unfortunately, it is time to come back to reality. At the moment, it felt like I lost something I grew to near to know or understand. We grew close but I never knew opening that door would awaken wounds that I'm not sure I could even fix. Yet, the patience became so secluding.

Friday, finally rolls around and all I can think about is how can I get to Ray to figure this out. I get in contact with Maria to see where Ray is and keep her in the house. As I patiently wait for Maria's answer, I put my things in the Taxi to head to the airport. Suddenly, I receive a text from Maria saying 'okay'. I crack a smile and give the driver the airport address.

As I wait in the busy airport, my thoughts begin to have a mind of it's own. 'Why did I do this to myself', I thought. My leg instantly begins to shake as my anxiety come and toys with my emotions.

'What if she doesn't want to fix us or continue trying with us? What if I f**ked up", I thought to myself

The what ifs kept circulating in the background. I come back to reality when I hear 'Now Boarding to Oakland, California. I look at the gate and in the back of my head, 'it's now or never'.

I finally make it to Oakland and I call an Uber to take me to Rachel. I pull out my phone and contact Maria. 'Hey Maria, I finally made it to Oakland and I'll be there in like 10 minutes'.

I arrive at Ray's apartment and my hands are shocking are shaking so bad. I can't even walk to the door. 'What are you doing here Layla', I said to myself. I turn around and walk away from the apartment. Suddenly, Ray is walking out the door with her jacket on. "Layla", she said in a startling voice. I turn around and I don't know if I should smile or have a straight face.

"Layla, what are you doing here? How did you get here", she questioned.

Ray continues to stand guard of the door and and doesn't invite me in. "Ray, are we okay? I know after you opened up that night and nothing has been the same. ", I said

My heart is racing , waiting to hear Ray's response. "Look Layla, it's not this deep that you had to come from Texas to get your answers. I don't know what you want from me", Ray said. She looks at me as if she doesn't even know me.

"Rachel, why did you open up to turn right around and act like nothing happened, I said while my voice shakes.

Before she answered, she goes back in the apartment and closes the door in my face. I stand there in disbelief and raging in anger. I text Maria and see what's going on. While sending my message, Ray comes back out with this box. She hands me the box and I instantly fell into tears.

"So you are done with me? If this was your plan then you should have done it when you came to visiting me. Instead of spitting bullshit of a story to make me feel bad for you. If this is a game, then you won. I'm done because I'm sick of your back and forth of trying to figure out what you want. I am not your punching bag", I said while throwing the box of our stuff at her.

Ray just stands there with cowardly look but before I could say anything.

"I mean, it is what it is Layla. I'm not going to make anyone stay with me. I don't know what you want me from me.. Sorry", Ray said.

I snap but my face is so cordial. I call for a taxi and Ray goes back in the house. My blood is boiling , and I'm trying to keep everything in. I see Rachel's car in the furthest part of the parking lot. I look beside me and I see a big stick.

'Layla don't do it', I said to myself. I get a call from the Taxi driver saying he's five minutes away. I grab my stuff and the stick towards Ray's car. I got to her licences plate and pilled her sticker. I see the taxi pulling into the complex.

My heart is beating a thousand miles a minute, and I pick up the stick. I begin swinging it a couple times and for a moment I blacked out. Suddenly, I come back to and there's glass everywhere. I see blood dripping down my finger tips and I panic. I throw the stick near the trees and head to the taxi.

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