twelve » l i l a c

12 1 0

[kim seokjin pov.]

i exited through the back door of the school, about to get my bike to ride home, as i heard muffled screams, as well as someone wincing from pain and laughter. laughter that didn't sound genuine.

worriedly, i rushed to where i thought i heard the noises, only to almost stumble over my own feet in shock. what i saw there wasn't just any student getting bullied by just any other students, which would already be bad, no, it was namjoon.

namjoon getting beat up by none other than my ex girlfriend, kaeun. girlfriend, before i realised i didn't only like girls.

what was she doing there? namjoon didn't deserve this kind of treatment. he didn't do anything to her, i knew that. but i also knew that kaeun was mean, almost pathetic already. she could bully everyone and anyone and would still get through with it because she's an angelic person. has good grades, is always nice to teachers and looks like a model.

well, good for me i was experienced with her. angrily, i stomped in front of her and released all my anger. i was not someone that shouted a lot, i in fact hated violence, but namjoon was worth it.

»what the actual hell do you think are you doing? bullying someone without a reason is nothing new, i know that, but namjoon? really? how miserable can you get?« i nearly screamed and, despite her being a girl, pushed her away from namjoon lying on the ground.

»you are disgusting! get away kaeun, i don't want you piece of garbage around here.« kaeun said nothing, just staring at me with her mouth hanging wide open.

yeah, i guess i could be pretty scary when i was angry. suddenly, she moved and slapped me in the face, hard, before grabbing her jacket and running away. her friends that stood in utter shock as well, ran with her.

usually, i would get more angry, but in this moment, i couldn't care less. the only thing that mattered was namjoon, not moving.

i kneeled down beside him and cupped his face in my hands, him slowly opening his closed eyes. one eye was swelling and turning into a lilac coulour, and there was dried blood under his nose.

»namjoon, my god. are you okay?« i instantly facepalmed myself after asking that. well, obviously he's not okay. he tried to focus on me and only succeeded after a few seconds. as he recognized me, a small smile made it's way on his face.

»seokjin.« he whispered and i nearly choked. »can you stand up? we need to get you to the nurse.« i asked and he moved his head, implying a nod.

i put my hands under his arms and helped him shifting his weight onto his legs. namjoon's knees trembled and he almost fell, but i caught him safely. when i made sure his body supported him we slowly walked back into our school, me nearly carrying him up the stairs.

but it was alright, since namjoon clearly had enormous problems walking. i didn't know what parts of his body kaeun hurt, but he seemed in really bad condition.

»my god, what happened to him?« the nurse exclaimed, shocked. i opened my mouth to begin explaining, but namjoon interrupted me.

»i'd rather not say.« he lowered his head in shame and embarrassment. that's when i realised how broken he really was. he was bullied, but he remained silent in order to not draw any attention to himself.

it hurt me. my heart ached when i looked at him. he deserved so much more, more love, more recognition, more encouragement. something i wished i could give to him, from the bottom of my heart i felt the urge to hold him in my arms and never let him go ever again.

i looked at the nurse, trying hard not to tear up. she looked back at me, analyzing my facial expression and silently understood.

»let's help you then.« she softly replied and helped namjoon to sit down on the old sofa in at the back of the room.

and in that moment, i couldn't be any more thankful for that.


the love yourself answer album!!
my god, they really DID THAT
my favourite song is probably trivia: love, i just adore namjoon's rapping style and flow so much.
what about you?
as always, thank you for reading <3

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