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{ Jacob's POV }

I was still asleep when I felt someone tapping my shoulder. " Excuse me. Can I sit here?", I grogilly opened my eyes and looked over. Pretty girl I guess. I couldn't really see her because my eyesight was still blurry. I knew she was a girl because guys didn't have as many curves as she did.

" Yeah...", I said. I tried going back to sleep but couldn't. Once I'm up, I'm up for good. Besides, I'm starting to hate this window seat. My face is the first thing the sun hits when its in my direction. The pretty girl put her suitcases under the seat, sat down and pulled out a small notepad and pencil. I wish I would of brought something. Instead I'm stuck with $75 in bloody singles. Just F*cking great. I was getting bored though. I guess that's my problem. I never have any patience. " Where're you from?", I asked.

" Me?", the pretty curvy girl said.

" Yeah you."

" Virgina."

" Oh. Where're you headed?"

" Virgina.", she laughed a little.

" Feel free to tell me if I'm asking too many questions."

" It's okay. I'm Taylor by the way.", she said while extending her hand for a handshake.

" I'm Ja-", idiot don't tell her your real name! " -len. ", I shook her hand.

" Oooh I thought you was abouta say Jacob Perez. I woulda went crazy!", she said with a huge smile on her face. I fake coughed.

" Why's that?"

" Do you have any sisters?"

" Yes.", Lie

" How old are they?"

" 12, 6 and 2.", Lie.

" What's their names?"

" Crystal, Erica and Sophie.", Lie, lie and lie. God, I feel like a bad person.

" Does any of them know Mindless Behavior?"

" Yeah, my sister Crystal sings their songs all the time."

" Well, one of them looks exactly like you.", she said before putting the notepad and pencil in her pocket. " Except for your cut.", she pointed to the gash on my forehead. Taylor went back to writing on her notepad and I just looked out the window. That was close. 

I don't want to talk to her anymore. It's not that I don't like her, but I don't want to keep lying to her. My conscience is eating at me like that song 'Stan' by Eminem. Yeah, I bet you didn't know I listened to Slim Shady. Well, normally I don't. Roc got me hooked to all of his old songs. My favorites are 'My Name Is', '97 Bonnie & Clyde', 'The Real Slim Shady' and 'Stan'. I really liked the whole 'Recovery' C.D. too.

I was thinking about all the dumb stuff me, Roc, Ray and Prod did when I saw Taylor staring at my pocket. She had a scared look on her face " What?", I said. It's not like a brought anything. I wish I did though. It'd make this trip a lot better. I looked down at my pocket and saw the gun Dee and Cali gave me sticking out. Sh*t! I forgot I had that!

Author's Note: Sorry it took me a while to write. My Godsister came over this weekend and I haven't had any time to get in my 'Writing Zone'. But the chapter's here now! What did you think about it?


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