The Girl With The Gun

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First off, THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE BOOK!! And to all the people who don't play MW3(or don't watch action movies :D)The hammer is the part of a handgun that you have to click back before pulling the trigger  -Erin

{ Jacob's POV }

 I tried to turn around to see the person who was basically going to kill me when I got pistol whipped to the ground. Damn! That sh*t hurt! I put my hand over my eye and felt some warm, sticky liquid. Blood.

" Did I tell you to move!?", the person screamed. It sounded like a girl. But girls can't hit that hard. well at least not the girls that I know. I was laying on the ground in a fetal position clutching my face, and all I could think about was how my Mom's gonna kill me when she finds out about this. Unless this chick kills me first.

" Are you going to shoot me?", I asked quietly. I didn't dare look up. I'm an academic genius, but I also have common sense. I heard her heels clicking around me.

" Hmm... let me see.", Her heels stopped clicking so I'm guessing she stopped walking around me. I then felt a sharp pain in my back and screamed in agony. " Shut the hell up it's not like you're dying.", she said while pulling me up by my collar. I was fading in and out and I couldn't tell whether I was blacking out and waking back up, or if I was just going crazy. I couldn't really see anything but I knew she was dragging me somewhere far. I kept tripping over my feet and my legs were burning.

 I'm pretty sure we had reached our destination when she pushed me up against what felt like a wooden house. " Stay here. If you move, you're dead. Got that?", she said. I nodded my head 'yes'. I heard a door open and close. The pain in my back started to go away and I slowly started wiping the blood away from my eye. Turns out my eye wasn't bleeding. There was a huge gash right above it and I guess the blood kinda went into my eye.

 After blinking a couple of times my vision came back into focus. I was looking around, trying to figure out where I was when it suddenly started raining and thundering. Just my luck. It feels like it's been 10 minutes since the girl with the gun dragged me here. My legs stopped hurting so maybe I could make a run for it. Who am I kidding, I don't even know where I am. I bet my Mom's got a whole search party looking for me.

 I slid down the side of the house. If it didn't have all the graffiti, it would actually look pretty good. It was a white house that looked two stories high. The windows were boarded up though, no one could have lived her for a good 3-4 years. My forehead was starting to get numb when the door opened again. A girl who looked about my age came out holding an umbrella. She had red and black hair but it was mostly red. She was wearing a black rain coat and hot pink pants. Way to go incognito.

 She stood directly in front of me and didn't even offer to share the umbrella. How rude can you be to the person you're going to kill? " You follow directions. That's good.", she said while looking at some silver things in her hand. Bullets.

" Why are you doing this?", I said while wiping the rain water out of my face.

" Because...I-I have to.", she stuttered. Every time Kimari does that, she seems like she's confused about her feelings. Maybe this girl's confused about feelings too.

" I'm Jacob.", I said while extending my hand. I have no chance fighting against this girl. One, she has a gun and I don't play around when it comes to firearms. Two, I don't hit girls. I think that's just wrong considering how I saw my Dad beat my Mom my whole life.

" I know who you are.", she said while sitting in the muddy grass by the side of the house with me. " Hungry?", she said before taking out a bag of sour skittles and offering them to me.

" No.", I said. Sour skittles aren't my thing. But talking to her is because it's keeping me alive. " So...what's your name?", good question.

" In the streets it's Dee, anywhere else it's Deanna."

" Okay Dee...where're you from?"

" Chicago."

" What school do you go to?"

" What the hell is this? Some 21 questions?"

" Sorry.", I said quietly.

" No, I'm sorry. I should've killed you already.", that phrase scared me to DEATH.  She got up and put the bullets in the gun. I guess this is it. Goodbye Mom, Kimari, Leda, Keisha, Walter, Ray, Roc and Prod. I shouldn't give up that easily. She still had about 4 more bullets to put in. I looked around. Everything was quiet except for the occasional howling of stray dogs.

 So, that was it. I said I'd never hit a girl, but Dee's going to be the only exception to that rule. I punched Deanna in the face and she fell straight on the sidewalk. The gun and bullets flew in the middle of the street. I clutched my hand and we both stumbled towards the gun but Dee was closer, so she got to it first. " Don't you EVER hit me again!", she screamed while pointing the gun in my face. She dropped her umbrella when I punched her so her hair was all wet and sticking to her face.

 She was getting closer to me with that gun and I kept backing up until I hit the abandoned house. She looked at me, then the house, then she smiled at me. " Get in there.", she ordered. I did as I was told. Something I should have done when my Mom specifically wrote 'Do not leave the house'. I couldn't really see anything so I kept walking forward until I hit something. A table maybe? I don't know. " Any last words?", she said.

" Tell my Mom-"

" Okay that's enough words.", she said while cocking the hammer back and slowly tracing her fingers over the trigger. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the pain to come. I couldn't help but think about Kimari. What would she do without me? Oh well, it doesn't matter now. I guess this is the end...

14 And Pregnant ( A Princeton From MB Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora