Hospitals Part II

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Elevaters are probably one of the worst places to be. The smell. The music. Feeling Claustrophobic. Just Terrible. But Me and Cindy made it through all 3. When we got out the elevater Me and Cindy walked silently through the hallways until we reached number 69. We stood in front of the door just staring at it for a while until Cindy broke the silence.

" What if he's in a coma?"

" Then...I don't know maybe we can do one of those sincere speeches and cry a little like they do in the movies.", I said while shrugging my shoulders.

" C'mon 'Mari this is as real as it gets.", She said smiling. Then her expression dropped into a scared look. " What if- and hear me out on this 'Mari- What if he was on his big private jet and the plane crashed and-"

" Cindy... quit bein' stupid...besides can we go in? This car seats making my arm numb.", I complained.

" Okay dang.", Cindy said while knocking on the door 7 times. Then that same lady that was at the meet and greet opened the door. She was smiling until she saw us.

" Oh I'm sorry, but no fans allowed. Thank you for showing your support though.", she said while closing the door but I put Leda carseat in the door. She looked at me like I was crazy.

" Excuse me?", she said.

" I know Jacob...I mean Princeton...", I said with Leda's carseat still in the door.

" Yes, a lot of people know Princeton, but right now he's recuperating from a serious accident.", she said while grabbing Leda's carseat.

" Keisha, who are you talking to?", someone said. That voice was familiar. Too familiar. Then I saw Jacob...and he was on crutches. I saw Cindy's jaw drop out the corner of my eye.

" Just some very loyal fans...who were just leaving.", she said while slamming the door in our faces. Cindy then looked at me and gave me a 'Did this b*tch just slam the door in my face?' look. I shrugged my shoulders feeling a relief on my sore arm. Wait she still had my child! This time I knocked on the door 7 times. " Mindless Behavior really thanks you for showing your support... but I'm going to have to ask you to leave and if you don't I'm calling security.", she said. She didn't actually come out but said it through the door.

" You have my baby!", I screamed. She opened the door and put Leda's carseat in front of me. " Thank you.", I said sarcastically. I am gettin' so sick of this broad. And where was Jacob? Wasn't he supposed to be defending us? I thought we were his friends.

" Whatever, let's just go. You know how celebrities get. They try to make you believe your their friend or whatever and then don't wanna be seen in public with you.", Cindy said as if she's read my mind.

" Yeah...", was all I could say. I started to pick up Leda's carseat but it dropped on the ground causing Leda to cry.

" Uhh, you need any help with that?", Cindy said while reaching for the carseat without even hearing my answer. Leda started to cry louder. " Do you have a bottle or somethin'?"

" Let me see.", I said while fishing through the pink and black diaper bag. I don't know why but, I like those colors together, not alone. I pulled out a green and yellow 7 fluid ounce bottle and handed it to her. Cindy softly put the bottle in Leda's mouth until her cries where replaced with her sucking on the bottle. Cindy took Leda out of her carseat and handed me the now empty carseat.

 We walked to the elevater and I was getting ready to press the down button. It took a minute for the elevater to come but when it did and the doors finally opened Cindy said

" Maybe we should stay...". This girl done lost her damn mind. I'm already pissed at Jacob and that broad we just encountered, I hope Cindy doesn't make me pissed at her too.

" Okay uhm...", I put me free hand on my forehead feeling a huge headache coming.  "What makes you think...we can sneak into a small hospital room without his mom or whoever that b*tch was noticing us?", I said. Then the elevater doors closed. Damn, now if we do decide to leave we'll either have to take the stairs or wait for another elevater.

" Well...we can hide in the bathroom, I mean she bound to leave at one time or another... she can't be in there 24/7.", she said trying to reason with me. I sighed. I guess we could try it.

" Okay...", I said. Cindy started smiling showing off her pearly white teeth. " But if the sh*t hits the fan... I blaming you.", I said. She nodded quickly and then we were off searching for an empty restroom.  

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