Part 2

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I looked around the big room on the walls there were pictures of black dots on white paper which probably cost loads of money. I never quite understood art people get millions of dollars for a painting a toddler could’ve done. My mom always said it’s not what’s painted in the picture it’s what I see. Maybe I was too young to understand what she meant but I never saw more than black dots on white paper but she could spend hours staring at it. Sometimes if I stared long enough I could see something but mostly I just pretended to so my mom would be happy. She had been sick ever since she was a teenager but she had always made the best of life no matter how bad things were she never lost faith. Maybe that was a reason I felt so connected with Camila she always reminded me of my mom. I felt a tear run down my cheek so I instantly shook myself out of my thoughts whiped my tear and kept waiting for the manager. It was the 3rd job interview I had today and this was the last one. I had always been interested in the business world, what so many see as boring seems so interesting and full of life to me. My last interview was for the local bank people were running around with stacks of paper others had heavy discussions on the phone.

I saw a few girl in their late teens working downstairs at the counters which was what I would do if I’d get the job. I’d only have to work 3 days a week but that was a good start.

Minutes later an older man in a black suit and a red tie walked inside I had already had my interview and now I had to wait for their decision. He sat back down and gave me a big smile. “You got the job Ms Jauregui you can start next week. You will be working from Mondays to Wednesdays and you’ll earn $150 per full day.”

I thanked him and went straight outside to go call my dad.

“Dad guess what”

“Lauren I’m working!”

“Daddd you already picked up so you might as well listen…I got a job”

“You what?? Oh thank god lauren I’m so proud of you!”

“Thanks dad I’ll see you tonight love you”

“love you too princess”

I got in the car it was not even 11am so I decided to go our neighbor city it’s about two hours away but it had a wonderful beach. It was my favorite place anywhere so I went there. I loved these short road trips I grabbed some Taco Bell and Starbucks on the way and ate it in the car.

The second I arrived I jumped out and headed to the beach. I had my Polaroid camera with me so I took some amazing pictures of the beach.

I looked at my polaroids and noticed a familiar figure on the pictures. It can’t be I thought to myself so I went to take a closer look. But my mind didn’t play any games this time.

“Camila?” I asked the girl froze before she turned around to face me.

I sat down next to her my legs crossed and we didn’t speak a word for what felt like eternity. I looked down and saw my hand shaking so I took out a cigarette and lit it.

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