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Prowl walked up to the rusted ladder and gripped the first rung. He looked up the climbing device and saw the ladder stretch up about ten stories to a lookout position. It was the perfect place to set up a sniper position. No one, friend or foe, would be able to see him coming.

"Stealth Team on my mark, Powerflash stay in the air; aerial reconnaissance only. Bumblebee and Smokescreen, take the East and West roadways. We can't give the enemy an exit." Prowl spoke softly,

"Copy." Each of his teammates solemnly replied,

Prowl wasted no time and began to ascend. He scampered up each rung with delicate ease; his motions were fluid and sure. His bright blue optics scanned the ground as it increased its distance between his feet. In seconds Prowl was at the top of the surveillance tower and tried to look as inconspicuous as possible.

There was a lot of cloud cover creating a veil of mystery over the Energon fueling plant Stealth Team was sent to investigate. There was even a cover a mist formulating atop the highest skyscrapers nearest the factory.

Prowl sent his gaze up and saw a little small dot that resembled a Cybertronion helicopter, one that Prowl knew all too well.

The Stealth Team leader fixed his gaze towards the floor before to take a quick peek at what he could accurately see. He could see purple hues and robotic forms, and a large purple object but those were all the finite details Prowl could make out.

"Alright let's get to work." Prowl muttered,

He unclipped the case from his back, the same case he brought on all his missions. He placed the shiny plastic carrying case on the ground-grate right next to him and slowly opened it up. In seconds Prowl was carefully taking out all the binary constituents and began constructing his weapon of death.

Piece after piece clicked together satisfying Prowl's audio processors and after attaching the medium magazine clip and monopod, Prowl's signature rifle was ready to deal the kills of the century.

Prowl decided to go for an 'under-the-rail' approach and slipped the nozzle of his rifle under and aimed it down. He carefully looked through the scope and could see crystal clear images of the Decepticons mobilizing below.

"Nothing like looking through a fully calibrated scope." Prowl soothingly whispered,

He shifted his rifle, so he could bounce from body to body. He took note of Decepticons of higher commands that wore secondary colored patches. The doltish group of bots were standing around a pile of Energon cubes, stacked, cased, and ready to be shipped. A couple of the patched Decepticon commanders were dishing out orders and a couple of Decepticons began to take ahold of some cubes.

"Alright guys look like we're going to have to be quick about this." Prowl warned,

He shifted his scope to the right and saw Bumblebee crouching behind a steel wall with his crimson red blades retracted and ready to slice, and then he looked to the opposite left and saw Smokescreen with his arm blaster retracted and humming a transparent blue color,

"Bumblebee, no need to be stealthy on this one." Prowl smirked,

He fixated his scope on Bumblebee as he began to break from the steel wall and silently run towards the group of Decepticons.

Finally Prowl moved his rifle forward which caused his scope to lift and he finally got to see what giant purple Decepticon body he saw from below. It was an insectoid-esque Decepticon with huge mandibles, six legs, and a huge no wait...ginormous body. It was easily ten times the size of Prowl; its mandibles rotated in a clockwise formation and pulsed with electric energy; the same energy that wiped out his comrades, the same energy that caused the invasion of Darkmount...the same energy that led to the invasion that cost him the life of his friend...

"Stealth Team, we got ourselves a Decepticon Marauder. Biggest one I've seen out here, and it has the same energy that wiped out tens of Autobot platoons." Prowl warned,

"Since when has that every stopped us?" Powerflash sarcastically remarked,

Prowl smirked and moved his rifle, so the scope had the Decepticon corporal commander in its sight. His arm blaster was armed and aimed at the sky...and the commander was looking straight in Prowl's direction,

The Stealth Team leader breathed in and put his finger over the trigger,

"Take them."

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