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Just as fast as Hadeen, Cybertron's sun, had set, its second moon-base had already positioned itself in the sky with the first moon base. The illustrious war-torn night sky had resurfaced over Darkmount, and the city gleamed to light with its cityscape neon lights and street lamps. However coupled with the lights was smoke, embers, and fire waging across the concrete acres.

Puddles of oil and lubricants were spread over the under and overpasses. One in particular was run over by Rodimus' wheel, the liquid parted in every direction flying over the edges. The bold and brash Team Athenia raced at break neck speeds almost leaving his team in the dust. Behind him Ironhide kept ranks with Hot Shot who would occasionally speed ahead in a toying fashion.

Red Alert maintained a steady speed pulling the flatbed that housed the explosive device. About two miles behind, Brawn was slowly traversing over the terrain, and Rodimus had no choice but to let him move at his own pace.

Rodimus took a sharp left and was met with the pinnacle of Darkmount, the gargantuan spire at which the bomb was to be planted. For the spire was directly above the core powering the city. Hot Shot had to let Ironhide cut ahead so they could both make the alley turn. The spire was extremely intimidating for Megatron had killed so many of their brethren from inside the walls, now Straxus had command of the spire, more ruthless than Megatron in every way possible.

Team Athenia was now coasting past the side of the tower and they managed to catch a glimpse of the brawl happening between Garry, Atlas, and Optimus against the tyrannical Straxus. Blades were blurring in every direction, small fires had sprouted creating a semi-appeasing arena.

Considering Straxus' size he moved gracefully, twirling his trident around swiping at the aerial bots. He had Optimus' arm in his left hand and Dai Atlas in his right and smashed them together so quickly. Some of their armor plating popped off and spiraled in different directions. Sky Garry came from behind but he could sense the presence of the stealthy, Straxus threw Atlas straight into Garry blowing them backwards and placed Optimus under his carbon heel...

...They were losing...

Rodimus wanted to make a u-turn and throw himself into the battle. But what good would it honestly do? Rodimus had no choice but to proceed as schedule. The spire itself had a circular base, but it was huge. It felt like forever before the team had cleared to the backside of the tower. Three guards took watch, their sidearms placed firmly in their grasps.

Rodimus wasted no time in making an entrance, he rammed the first guard right as he got a sense there was something behind him. The bot broke apart as he slid under the automobile. Grease coupled with Energon spread in the pile leaving Rodimus with the chance to transform, his arms shot out and grabbed the neck of the next guard and slammed the base of his knee through his chest. The momentum caused the two to fall straight down.

Next Rodimus jammed his wrist cannon next to the guard's head and ripped off a blast of pure smelted ion. The guard gurgled slightly as his face melted off and the metal helmet rusted.

Ironhide ran over the third guard who was about to call for help, but to no avail his efforts were thwarted, he transformed the minute he hit ground and slid straight on his side. He groped the ground and jolted up, his path blaster shifted over his hand,

"We're clear." He reported,

"Not for long, we'd better work fast." Rodimus huffed, he walked around surveying the scene, one of his katanas unsheathed itself and was raised up,

Red Alert flew in and detached herself from the flatbed, automating into her robot form, the top of her ambulance mode served as a long skirt that practically covered both her legs. Hot Shot swerved in and began decoding the lock that opened the hatch to the core,

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