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The militia marched down the cybernetic freeway, their metallic peds created a seemingly inaudible sound, if that were the case. Tanks of various sizes rolled in the back with soldiers armed with rifles, blasters, and electric weapons. At the lead of the group was a battalion officer draped with a gold cape, gold shoulder caps, and a long rifle, pearled with ancient Energon crystal stones. He had the lead of the group up until they reached the entrance gate to the city. 

So quickly he shot his hand up to signal a stop, and his army did as required. The officer was wearing a deep plated helmet, his optics still able to peer out the ocular indention. The gate was opened upon Motormaster's command, and the fog outside started crawling in,

"TAKE AIM!" He shouted and trained his rifle. The troops in back without question reflected the commander's actions. 

Blasterfire suddenly reigned through the group but it wasn't coming from the ground level, it was an airborne attack, the commander peered up and witnessed bullets screaming from the nosecone of an ancient Cybertronion aerial craft. The projectiles grazed his shoulders but the craft started to auto-morph. It launched into the air another fifty feet and automated into a humanoid form. 

Metalhawk gracefully did aerial helix's and somersaults until he landed feet first on the ground drawing his impressively long wing swords. As his battle mask shielded his mouth and cheek region, the battalion officer dared to make a move. While starting into a run, he fired his rifle, a thick stream of ion energy ripped off the nozzle of the rifle and connected with Metalhawk, he flew back hard some distance flipping over himself.

The metallic freeway shavings smelled repulsive as Metalhawk lifted his face from the ground. The officer had already caught up to the Autobot, they were under the gargantuan metal archway that allowed the largest of crafts to enter the city,

"Wretched Autobot scum, I will make your death excruciatingly painful." 

His growl emphasized the death order and the rifle pulsed in accordance,

"Really, and who's to say I can't get a second opinion." 

Metalhawk launched his foot against the officer's chest, it scraped the outer edges of his armor and knocked the Decepticon straight off his feet. He landed on his back and started sliding backwards to avoid death. Metalhawk launched an attack with his blades, the officer received multiple cuts and slashes as he filed off ion energy blasts. The Autobot quickly severed the nozzle of the gun off and stuck the other sword through the bi-pod assembly, practically dissecting it in two.

The officer, gawking at what happened watched the tip off the Energon coated blade pierce his chest, the Cybertronion metal plunged through his spark cavity and pierced out through his back. The officer started choking and gurgling on what amount of Energon billowed up in his throat until he was released. Metalhawk watched the officer fall straight backwards to reveal the army he had been commanding.

Laser beams ripped from the army and to Metalhawk, except more laser fire ripped back. The Autobot fleet Metalhawk had command of arrived to help him. Metalhawk begun by deflecting the laser fire directed at them away. It left openings for the Autobot troops to take aim and blast away the Decepticons. One trooper next to Metalhawk received a blast to the head, another trooper took his place,

"Alright brothers, we just got to keep them occupied." Metalhawk assured them and kept deflecting fire, "Come on Optimus," He murmured.


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