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Prowl smoothed the surfaces of his rifle with the rag he had in his locker. Splattered with dust and dirt blotches, the rifle began to glow in approval as the rag absorbed the uncleanliness. Prowl made sure the safety was on, he didn't want to accidentally clip a cadet with an actual blast. He kept in firm steady movements, a distinct pattern-

"Prowl?" Came the silence shattering voice of Sky Garry. Prowl jumped in surprise and stumbled to keep his rifle positioned as it was while the red Cybertronion ninja studied his amusing display,

"Sorry, Sky Garry. Sorry. You startled me that's all." Prowl remarked,

"My apologies, we ninja use our stealth tactics in and out of skirmishes." Sky Garry chuckled at his response and sat down on the bench next to him, he was quick to the point,

"I've never seen Optimus like this." He remarked, Prowl, still listening nodded to that,

"He's always been something of a symbol of hope, now Megatron seems to have driven him desperate." This nabbed Prowl's attention,

"Oh?" Prowl asked surprisingly,

"Nothing against our gallant leader, it's just that you can't help but notice things." Sky Garry murmured, 

"I guess with Straxus controlling illegal weapons operations, it stands to reason that any leader would become nervous at this display." Prowl agreed,

"Sentinel Major is battling on the front-lines while Straxus swoops in an wipes us out, in that case, if it were I in charge, I would've made the same call." Sky Garry looked at his peds, then to the floor,

"I would say it is the Decepticons exhibiting signs of desperation, they are going to great lengths just to get there greasy Energon stained hands on weaponry to seal our fate; when they couldn't do it with their own servos." Prowl scoffed at his statement,

"It just proves how deceitful and how much of a coward Megatron is, resorting to these types of measures, it just gets me PISSED OFF!" 

Prowl raised his voice and cocked his rifle, everything became still and silent as all can be, all optics trained on Prowl, but only for a moment more before everything progressed as usual,

"Easy there Mr. Leader of the Stealth Team." Sky Garry said sarcastically, 

"At least I made a choice to fight the good fight, you on the other hand want to sit around meditating and training cadets." Prowl retorted,

"How many times are we going to bicker about this?" Sky Garry asked in a grunt, 

"Sky Garry we were platoon mates, we trained together, fought together, I just thought you would have joined ranks with me." Prowl tucked his rifle back in his satchel,

"We all have a calling Prowl, mine was with the Cyber-Ninja Corps, yours was with Optimus. I would've never thought different of you if we went with me, nor do I feel any different on your decision to join up with Optimus."

Sky Garry paused,

"No matter where we're stationed, we're still fighting the good fight." Sky Garry looked up at his friend and smiled,

Prowl looked down at his friend and chuckled, "Man why do you have to be right all the time?" He retorted and smacked the ninja warrior playfully in the elbow,

"I don't know." Sky Garry laughed and looked up, the skyline port was open for sometime, the glass tiling had shifted to let light gleam through and illuminate the inner walls of Iacon.

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