M#4.Misktakes.Part 1

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Ahhhh today is the day..the day that my whole life changes again..the day that I tell the father of my child that I'm with his child...the day that it's gets all out..and NO I'm not ready right now I'm just laying in bed looking at the ceiling while the beautiful sun shines though my all white themed room..I close my eyes...put my hand on my belly and say

....God shelter us

And then I hear I here Alex come through the door..ugh let the day begin

"What the hell are you doing get the hell up and get dressed" she say kissing my cheek

Ugh I shouldn't have gave her a key lol.

"I don't wanna go anymore me and Pope will be fine without Larry and she can just have Mkell's last name" I say crying

"Ohhh my beautiful ex get up"

"Ughhhh" I grunt

"Come on get up" she say in her British accent

I laugh while walking into the bathroom and turn the shower on..after I wash up I just soak in the water for 5 more minutes intill Alex comes turns off the water, pulls the curtain and yells..


"ALRIGHT damn yelling all the

time"i say

1 HOUR LATER {SpongeBob guy voice)

So we are at the Restaurant called Restaurant 12..it's cute I love this place Me and Alex walk in fashionably late lol..I see everybody came that's good..but only one person I didn't invite.

"Hello everybody" I say walking around the table hugging everybody

"Lau" I say

"Mmmmmm Anala" he say starring at me

"Jessica I didn't no you where going to be here.." I said to her

"Mmm yeah you didn't did you..Lau invited me and I know Blake was coming so I had to come

"BITCH I HATE YO DUMB MODEL WHITE ASS" I say slamming Jessica"s head in the table

Wait wait that was just a day dream in my head okay back to Earth.....

"Haha nice to see you" I say

"ALANAH BOO I MISSED YOU LOVEY" I say telling and hugging her

"Hey babe long time no see" she says kissing my cheek

"YASS and Im sorry about your grandmother is so okay" I ask her with sincerity

"Yas girl she is doing great" she say "thx for asking"

"No problem"

When I see my seat I get a little tense because I'm sitting next to Mkell ugh how much I missed him but I hope that we are still talking..well I guess we are because he came so that's good.

"Well hello Mr.Nelson how are you today" I say whispering into his ear as if the other can hear us talking over there conversations

"I'm ight..you" he say not giving me eye contact and just starting Lau down

"I'm okay my beds a little lonely..but I'm fine....and stop starring him down like that thank you" I say as he stops and looks at me and kisses me with force tongue and passion..mmmm what a man

"Alright everybody I wanna thank you for coming and respecting my question which ......was asking you to come here today, I asked you all here to day because in this group of people I have some negative issues and some positive issues and I'm gonna get to the big in at the end so I need every body to say what they need to say truly from the heart and not from anger is that okay because if it's not YOU MAY LEAVE" I say as every body nods there heads yes

"Can I start" Althea says

"Yes miss lady" I say as she laughs

Althea POV

"Alright...I meet this man..this loving caring, interesting man and his name was Larry..now when I meet Larry I was a little shy and scared but he showed me that being with him I didn't have to be scared or nervous, I can remember when I was in Paris and I was with him and we saw this baby


When I paused Anala gave me a tissue because I started to cry, all these memories I just couldn't handle it.

"I'm sorry" I say whippings tears while more tears are coming out "umm okay we saw the baby shop and I looked at it with so much happiness and he told me..he said "we will have one day" and I thought in my head I hope your telling the truth..

You see what I didn't know was that our whole relationship he was messing with a girl name Blake..that damaged me so bad and it's still does and that was in August and now it's December (yal now it's don't get cold in Cali).

"You know how you give so much of yourself to and a person and they just

Don't care they throw you on the floor and stomp on you..that's how I felt."

....Imm Done"

When I stopes talking it was just quite and them Larry talked..

"I sorry for hurting you Althea..I really did love you..you were my everything and I let you slip away" he says

Alex POV

WHEN Larry was dime talking I went.

"Umm Anala...oh Miss.Anal Oji you were a definition of EVERYTHING. I loved you with my everything you wear the only person I have been with since middle school I only dated you but you weren't the only person I messed with..yeah I cheated once because I wanted to venture, but I shouldn't have did that because from that day it changed me and your relation.

When you went to Paris I told myself go with her but I said naw this is for her this is her vacation but what I DIDNT KNOW was that she meant Laurent and that they were messing around because SHE wanted to venture..and I just wanted to tell you that in sorry for my mistakes and that I love you and I'm here for you no matter what and you will always be my first love" I say finishing and getting up and giving her a hug


Blake's POV

After we ate I went.

We'll fist and foremost I am Blake for the new ppl I am Analas favorite cuzzie, but today I am taking to Althea..I knew you before I knew Larry but I just fell in love with him so fast

And I was attracted to him quick..I knew he had a thing with you but hell I didn't care I wanted him to be mine like he was yours..as I wanna say sorry"

I said

"Your forgiven" she say with a smile

Anala POV




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