Fly High My Angel

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*Few day after Pope's birth*
Alex's funeral is this weekend.......
I just can't believe that's she's gone I just can't like.....that was one of my best friends my first love I don't care about the fact that she cheated on my or I cheated on her as long as I had her in my life that's what mattered most....
I sat in my bed holding my baby girl that's all I could think about besides Alex.....Pope is just so sweet and precious she the best thing that ever happened to me.....they way she looks at me and they way she smiles when I talk to her.....the way she sleeps in Lau's arms seeing that right there is the most amazing thing you could see EVER.
Today is the day we take my baby home UGHHH I'm nervous and anxious what if I do something wrong....what if I hurt her.....but I can't think negative....always positive.

"Hey babe you ready" Laurent says walking through my room door...I look at him and I see my whole future in front of me.....who else would I love.....all I have is him.

"Nala you hear me" he say waving his hand in my face.

"Uhhhh yeah I'm ready it's time to go" I say putting her clothes on.

"Oui the car ready for you" he say kissingy lips

"Olay I'm just going to wait for Aunty Joy to came and clear us and than we can go" I say as Aunty Joy walks in

"Speak of the devil"

"Hey honey are you ready to go" she says hugging me

"Yes ma'am we are READY" I smile

"Okay so the nurse told you and showed you how to do everything umm the next time you come back is when you can take her out and every where but intill than the baby stays in the house the next time I see you two here is in a mouth okay just sign right here for your discharge..." She says as I sign the paper

Aunty says her good by's...hugs me and than leaves.....I get Pope in her little frozen themed car seat {mommy's pick} which Laurent's hates soooo much....but every time of would play Frozen music in my beats and would put it up to my belly she would move so I made that her theme lol....

We get her in the car I sit in the back Lau sits in the front and I doze off really fast....

I walk into this all white room and all I see is this bright white light was so beautiful, I was surprised I could see because it was such a powerful light, as I begin to walk not knowing where I was walking to I see this tree and it has a swing on it and there's a white bench across from it with a girl with short hair sitting down.....I couldn't see her face so I walked up to her and tapped her and said "excuse me can you tell me where I am" and as soon as I said that she turned around and it was Alex....she was so beautiful......with her angel white.

"ALEX OMG" I say hugging her

"Hey love" she say hugging me back and kissing my cheek

"Where are we"

"Where in your dream.....well the good side of your dreams......there's also the bad side of your dream....its called..."

"Nightmare's I said cutting her off " and smiling

" were always so Anala" she says with a tear coming down her eyes

"Why are you crying" I say whiling the tear

"I'm just grateful for my life......Be good to her....spoil her....and cherish her.....I put some of me in Pope so be a look out for a little of me in her, and marry Laurent you don't know how happy he is right now he prayed and talked to me so he told me everything" she says giving me a kiss on my cheek....standing up and walking away

"Wait Alex where are you going" I say

"I'll be back....I Love You Anala Oliva Oji....your gonna love what happens when you get home" she laughs and leaves"

*End of dream*

"Nala.....Nala wake up babe Laurent says waking me up

"We at home" he says as I look out the window to my beautiful home that I miss

I get out the car and Lau takes Pope out I walk up to the door take a breath because this is a start of a new life.......when I open the door I see all my family and friends and Lau's family and friends and they all say "CONGRATULATIONS ANALA" and my mom comes up to me and hugs and kisses me and all I could do was cry....

*1 hour later *
After we all eat laugh and look at Pope we all come on the Living room because Laurent has a surprise.

"Mama B can I please hold my baby"

"Of corse you can my daughter" she said putting Pope in my arms and puts a kiss on my cheek

When she say that a tear came streaming down my face and than I kiss her cheek and Laurent calls me to come to the front of the room...

"Ummmm I have somethin to say...being with Nala sometimes not easy but I find out how sweet....caring.....and loving and I want her to know that I love her {laughs} LIKE I REALLY LOVE HER.....she gave me beautiful daughter and now I want to make her beautiful wife or Mrs.Bourgeois...... Anala Olivia Oji will you marry me....

"SAY YES STUPID" {my sister}

I look around.....than at Pope......than at the beautiful family I have and I'm going to have.......than at Laurent and I say "YED LAU I WILL MARRY YOU"


Alex was right I am happy for what happened today.


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