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Good things come to those who wait.

~Jess C. Scott

Today is just a day to relax...or maybe not because I have to confront my bestfrand of telling Lau my address,so I told her to meet me at the mall....but she doesn't know that I am going to bring it up I'm just gonna ask her out of the blue.

I just hope she has something good to say because I just can't lose someone else that is so close to me. So I take a shower put my blue hair in a messy bun and put on a sunflower shirt/dress..


When I look outside I see Althea in her car playing August Alsina's song called Down Right Now..she loves that man she wants to meet him one day and have his babies and stuff,she has went to 2 of his events...ahhh that's girl.

"Hey chica" she says giving me a hug

"Hello love"

"You ready to turn up at the mall" she say driving off

"YASSS bishhh yasss but we are hungry can we go to the food court first" I say rubbing my belly

"Yuppie we can cause I am to love"

"Where is Alanah I miss her" I say making a sad face

"She at her parents house her grandma had a little heart attack..and that where I just came from" she says

"Awww tell her I hope she gets better" I say rubbing her back

"I'll will" she say

When we get to the mall we go strait to the food court and go get some Popeyes....OHHH how I love that place {if your black you will know}, and then sat down.

Now this is the time where I'm gonna ask her the question.

"Okay so Althea why did you give Lau my address because he showed up at my house the other day" I say as she almost coked on her chicken

"OMG he really did it" she say

"Ahhh I'm mean...okay so I thought about you and Love is that feeling that is going to make that little girl smile, even when her life is upside down and has challenges, when nothing seems right. But still the thought that she has a father in her life who's always beside her to share it and a mother who is always gonna be there and maybe more than him, makes the horrible times worthwhile" she say whipping tears from her eye

"Okay well I guess that was worth it but it didn't go good anyway" I say kissing her cheek

"But but why"

"Because he goes out with Jessica and than he said he misses me like he got me all kinds of fucked up.." I say laughing

"OMG girl when I seen him I was at a club with Alanah as they was performing so I had to see Lau and he asked about you and said he missed you a lot so I thought yal would go back out and yes I did see Jessica but he wasn't all over her like Blake was all over Larry hah that bitch lookin like the sloppy VERSON OF PHOO BEAR...wait wait she do look like something I would write with my left hand...ugly bitch"she says cracking up

"Really come on now that is still my cousin and your gonna respect her like I respect you so either to love her like you love me or don't be my friend"

I really didn't mean it because I love her but I need her just to fake it at least.

"DAMN them hormones are HIGHER THAN HEVEN...there way yo up there, but okay I'll fake it" she say laughing

"Okay love lol" I say hugging her

When we got done eating we went to Victoria Secret so she can get some hot stuff for Alanah {nasty gal lol} I'm so mad I can't wear any of this stuff but I'm carrying a human so it's wroth it.

"I still can't believe your bi...of all people it's YOU like omg" I say

"Yeah me to but I love Alanah with all my heart and I think she could be the one" she says picking out some pink lingerie

"I LOVEEEEEE her to she's a really sweet person,and I think I'm gonna ask her to be the babies godmother....well one of them"

"Awwwwww so me and her will be a godmother sooo sweet of you" she says

"IKR lol"

"Have you picked baby names yet" she says walking to the panties

"Yuppie. It I'm not telling you I till the day of the birth but the name starts with A" I say picking out some underwear that I can fit

"OMG you su-" she say cutting her self off

"What why you stop" I say looking at what she was looking at

"ME O MY......look at him....he could get it anyday" she says looking at this guy

Now his guy was REALLLLY cute he was tal, brown skin, has big lips, and has lots of tattoos on his arms ...I wonder what's under that shirt


"Yeah he is cute" I say butting my lip

"Awww damn he got a girl" I say with a sad face

"Mmmm wait that girl is with another guy he's a third wheel aww you should go talk to him "she say smiling

"Girl ain't no grown ass man gonna want a 3mouth pregnant woman" I say walking to the cashier to pay for my for my stuff

"Honey you don't know that and he keeps looking at you"

"What Eva lets go cause my feet hurt" I say waiting for her to pay and walking out the store

When me and Athea walk out the store I fell a tap on my shoulder and it's the guy from the store omg he is so dreamy and his eyes omg..

"Hi I'm Mkell" he say

When he talked you could hear a little thuggish voice but at the same time a nice calm voice.

"Ahhhh ummmmm I'm Anala"

"Lol I seen you with your friend and I had to say hi to you" she say

"Well hello is that you girl" I say looking at the girl he was with

"Nooooo that's my friend I'm being a third wheel today lol" he says

"Awwww well maybe next time that won't happen"

"Maybe I'll be with you next time" he say smiling

"I'm flattered"

"Maybe I can have your number and take you out sometimes" he say

Well maybe this is a good guy or maybe not but right one I need to man attention in my life so I went for it gave him my number and all, Althea was happy for me lol


Hey guys hope you liked it..❤️




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