Chapter 25 - Tournament

Start from the beginning


Dragon and his gang surround and attack two individuals. One is Ox and the other is Rabbit. Dragon shouts "You only have yourself to blame Ox, and this idiot girl that follows that jackass..." His face adopts a lewd expression "..When we're done with Ox we'll have some fun together". Rabbit is slightly wounded while Ox is completely unharmed and he continuously slashes with his saber slashing, thrusting, parrying and killing.


Sensing that Rabbit is in danger I teleport to the group of attackers and see multiple people vs two. I feel a dull fire coursing through my veins as I see one such victim is Rabbit. Then I see the corpses of the goons lying on the ground. I grin feeling even more content 'To become a warrior. He has climbed a mountain of corpses and swam through rivers of blood' I slowly walk forward ignoring Dragon who gives shouts of encouragement to his allies. My shoes squelch as I walk through the blood, but I am unconcerned as my gaze is focused on the sight straight ahead of me. I take another step forward then stop. My ears grow dim to the world and Dragon shouts something at me which I dont catch. I take one step forward with my left leg the my body shimmers appearing at the back of a goon. I slash relentlessly killing all the enemies before my eyes and I'm deaf to their screams. My sword moves with speed the human eyes would perceive as a blur. After a couple of seconds the earth is littered with even more corpses and blood freely leaks out. I direct a sword attack towards Dragon without looking at him who is 20 feet away. My senses return to me and I hear a heavy thud and the slow tricking of blood. I glance over my companion then retract my sword baring my claws as I look Ox straight in the eyes. "Warrior of the Snake. Killing brutally". Ox slashes downward with his saber before going into an offensive stance "Warrior of the Ox. Killing methodically". I unleash my aura to 40% as I rush him attacking high with my right hand and low with my left. He parries both attacks with fluid efficiency before launching a counter aimed at my left eye. My body leans to the right as my right leg comes up in an arc. Ox dodges to my left and keeps slashing. After 30 seconds I jump back retracting my aura before jumping back into the fold using my own sheer strength and speed to fight. I launch multiple attacks then switch to using the katana I used on tiger. I just focus on the Dao of the Saber and Sword aiming to improve my level in them and I rapidly attack just putting 5% of my focus into fighting. I see a light flash behind my eyes before changing my weapon to a saber. I roar slashing with the ferocity of a demon. 5 slashes per second and increasing as I keep gaining ground slashing, slashing, jabbing, hacking. I put my left arm behind me and draw energy from it which I place in my right arm. Ox begins to acquire some wounds, not deep just light slashes. But - his face remains impassive and calm. I grin roaring with laughter adding even more power into my strikes 'EXCELLENNNTTT!!. THIS IS PERFECT!!" I begin to lose myself in combat as my level in the Dao keeps increasing rapidly, space and time gradually feel away, as did sound. The only thing that remains is a beast who revels in slaughter and battle. My eyes radiate with the desire to do battle as I keep slashing wildly uncaring about the external world. My line of vision decreases to see only my opponent blocking every other object and I feel a rush every times our blades sing. Ox rapidly accumulates heavy wounds but he doesnt relent and still attacks. 2 minutes into our battle I thrust barbarically spearing his chest as I regain my senses once more. As the light fades from his eyes I say "You are the best opponent I've faced, thank you for this battle". I withdraw my blade letting his body fall to the ground. I position Ox's body to hold his saber in a regal pose before I burn both in blackfyre. I dont burn everything letting the ashes float to the sky and a smile comes upon my face before my face drops to earth level and I frown when seeing Rabbit. I sit down patiently in the lotus position meditating, Rabbit walks over to me saying "What about the others?" I say "They'll come to us or kill themselves". In answer I manifest a large golden nodaichi above my head to ward off any danger. I breathe in and out then begin to train, purifying and increasing my Dao level as well as focusing on other techniques. One in particular is a space technique which would be used to bypass formations and would render enemy attacks useless against me.

A few minutes later a mob rapidly runs toward us..I stand abruptly sensing some danger. My nodaichi disappears and Rabbit seeing the look in my eyes says "Whats wrong?" I tell her "Around a hundred people are coming toward us, all are at least at the peak of the human body because they're able to run at athlete speed. But something strong is chasing them and rapidly depleting their numbers". She nods gravely and adopts a fighting stance. I snort telling her to not resist as I draw her into my estate world. I send her a mental message 'Dont come out. I'll let you out when its safe to do so". After a few seconds a towering white scaled reptile is upon me. 

Scaled 5 horn King Serpent. Level 500.

Description: Godbeast and fiendgod. 

Stats: ???

I frown 'An aberrant huh'. I throw out a claw attack at 40% power aiming to punch it. The blow doesnt even graze the reptile but leaves it in a blind rage as it screams with bloodshot eyes. 'Allrighty then, time to show you the power I've withheld'. I bring my hands to my sides and activate the power of my organs. Black blood flows out of my back and forms into weapons: On my upper back 2 ethereal wings. On my shoulders and arms armour and blades. From my lower back 4 tentacles sprout and from my tailbone one large tail comes out. I withdraw into the darkness drawing out a decent sized wave. 'Activate bloody rage'. I only see my opponent who in half of a second is before me. I feel the warm euphoria and breathe in as purple gas comes from the serpents mouth. The acid sprays the ground which heavily erodes. I stand on the snakes spine and jab straight into its back. A howl of sheer hatred erupts from its being as it wildly thrashes. My tail lashes out accompanied with my wings which shoot shards. A heavy gash appears along with small pricks along the snakes back. I land lightly 'Not enough..POWER RELEASE!!!'. I feel my organs becoming heavy and feel searing pain flare through me before I'm impaled by the end of a tail. I see darkness and feel cold an instant before I'm enveloped in true Darkness. I feel searing pain flow through my whole naked body before my vision turns black and I'm in front of the snake again. Literally bursting with power I remove all appendages except the tentacles which number at 6 now. The tentacles lash out impaling the snake multiple times throwing it upwards. 'Hmph, LETS SEE YOU REGENERATE FROM THIS!!!' I jump up punching the snake square in the center and on impact it explodes into a shower of blood and gore. I land lightly on my feet retracting the tentacles and bringing out Rabbit from my estate world. I feel dizzy and my vision blurs..that is what I feel before my gaze turns black once more and I fall into Rabbit's arms...I wake up in a lavish room with Rabbit sitting beside me. I grunt as I touch my abdomen seeing that the wound has healed. I stand up and Rabbit tries to protest but I ignore her. I mentally converse with blacky "How long was I out?" He replies "Around an hour master". I'm surrounded by a warm blue light and I see that I'm in a lavish reception room 'Most likely where I claim my prize as victor'. I sit across from an old looking man and place myself in a couch. His words are soothing to the ear as he says "So then. Champion of this years tournament. What will you choose as your reward?"

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