Chapter 26 : Awakening the secret weapon

Start from the beginning

Since they thought everything was already running smoothly as planned. Nozomi who doesn't even know how to protect herself retaliated and tried to escape Lina's grasp by biting her arm. As she was bitten, she accidentally let go of Nozomi making her fell to the ground.

Nozomi safely landed somehow by grasping to the branches of the trees and ended up falling in a bush.

"Ite! My back hurts. Thankfully those trees break my fall and this bush really saved my butt." Nozomi said as she pat his aching back.

"Nozomi!" Mayumi shouted.

"Okasan! You followed. Okasan!" Nozomi happily shouted as she ran in her mother's arm.

"Thanks to Tatsuya. If not for his suit we can't fly and try to catch up with you."

"Tatsuya-san. Thank you!" She said and bowed.

Tatsuya walk towards her and hugged her tightly with his tears building up on his eyes. "Nozomi. My daughter. I'll never lose you again."

"Otosan? You... you already know?" Nozomi hug him back and cried. Tatsuya nodded as he continue to hug his daughter.

"Tatsuya. What a moment to see you. I didn't even know you are capable of shedding tears." Lina said as she landed the same ground they are in with her forces.

"Tatsuya-san, so it's true?" Yanagi said in disbelief.

"Major Yanagi. STARS Head Capatin, Lina." Tatsuya said with anger burning in his eyes.

"Surrender that child Yotsuba Tatsuya. USNA and National Defense Force is to take her in custody." Lina ordered.

"You are not my superior."

"Waaaa! Tatsuya-san!!!" Lina said being annoyed

"Special Officer Ooguro Ryuuya I command you to hand over Saegusa Nozomi, this is for everyne's safety." Major Yanagi said seriously.

"Tatsuya-kun?" Mayumi whispered as she held on Tatsuya's arm and look at him.

"That's an order... that I will surely disobey sir. You and your battalion should fight me first before you could touch a single hair of my daughter." Tatsuya insisted and wore the helmet of his mobile suit.

"Everyone disarm any opponent who will stand in our way. Even if it is Special Officer Ooguro Ryuuya. Get ready." Yanagi ordered.

"Mayumi stay with Nozomi."

"But Tatsuya!" She shouted as Tatsuya run towards the army's forces.

Mayumi took Nozomi's hand and run in where the tress and bushes are abundant so she could safely hide Nozomi and help Tatsuya. Lina catches up with them and had a fight with Mayumi. As the battle of Tatsuya against Yanagi and Mayumi with Lina heats up one of the STARS member secretly took Nozomi away making Mayumi loss her focus in the battle, giving the oppurtunity to Lina to knock her out.

"Okasan!!" Nozomi shouted as she saw her mother in the ground unconscious.

"Let's go. Follow me." One of the STARS member said.

"Let me go! Let me go I said!" Nozomi shouted and a strong gush of wind hit the soldier making him immobile.

Nozomi run towards her mother checking if she is still alive.

"No worries child. Your mother is still alive. I just put her into slumber. She is a hindrance for our mission." Lina said and grasped Nozomi's arm.

Nozomi remove her hands in her arms and pushed her back. "How dare you do this to okasan!" Nozomi said angrily. Her blue eyes turned to purple with fury. The temperature in there area lowers, the wind gushes making scary sounds as it hits the tree and the waves at the sea rises.

Mahouka Koukou No Rettousei : Tatsuya x Mayumi (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now