Chapter 6 : Crimson Prince Vs. Silver Taurus

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The 2nd day of the competition arises and a new hope was given to each student who participates at the competition. But as each game ends, a problem took a land on the First High School students.

As Mari was on her another round of water ski competition she was unfortunately sabotaged and met a rather major injury. Luckily, she was saved by Tatsuya which kept her away from a more serious accident. Also in some of their student's games, the CAD that was handled by the other CAD engineer of First High School malfunctioned for an unknown reason which cause a lot of accident to the students physically, and mentally.

"Mari!" Mayumi cried as she barge into the room of her injured friend and hug her.

"Mayumi! Im fine. Don't worry" Mari said and smiled

"How can you say that with those many bandages? Anyways I'm glad that Tatsuya was there to save you."

"He did?"

"He did?"

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"Yes. He is now currently investigating the things that happened. It looks like we have been sabotaged."

"You mean a lot has happened?"

Mayumi nod and told Mari everything that Tatsuya told her at the scene of Mari's game and the other events of CAD malfunctioning.

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That evening Tatsuya asked Mayumi to go to a room where the First High School is authorized to do some meetings.

"Tatsuya? Why did you want to meet me at this time here?" Mayumi asked while yawning

"I do think we are sabotage and while im not yet discovering who's fault is this, I want you to be careful Mayumi." Tatsuya said as he sat down beside her.

"Tatsuya, you dont have to investigate alone. Let the military and the other school officer to--"

"Im a disciplinary committee. And I would participate in this to keep everyone safe. Specially all the remaining participants, specially M--

"Miyuki, your sister right?" She said as she look on Tatsuya with a smile.

"Yes. Specially Miyuki..." Tatsuya said as he look on Mayumi's face

Mayumi then looks away and frown a little. Thinking that he might not be worried about her because she finished her games already.

"And you, Mayumi" He said. He then cupped her cheeks and pull it gently towards his lips.

"Tatsuya." She whispered as she cries a little with a hint of surprise and happiness in her eyes. "By the way Tatsuya-kun, I want you to participate in a game. The 3 man's team for the junior battle games. You will be fighting against Ichijou Masaki."


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Mayumi have successfully persuaded Tatsuya to join the battle games of the first year in 1 condition, he will be teaming up with his friends Yoshida Mikihiko and Saijou Leonhart who is also on the same class as Tatsuya.

Mahouka Koukou No Rettousei : Tatsuya x Mayumi (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now