Chapter 23 : Blue Wedding

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The awaited and the most controversial wedding of Yotsuba Tatsuya and Shiba Miyuki has come. Since it was announced and was open to media, a lot of reporter came to cover the said wedding. Also a lot of security were hired in order to secure the VIPs like the members of the Yotsuba main and branch families, and other Number Clans and also to prevent any threat or accidents like bombing or assasinations since Maya knew that a lot of clans are still against the marriage of her nephew and niece.

Tatsuya arrived later than Miyuki though she is just staying inside her bridal car waiting for his brother to come. As soon as he arrived the entourage was lined up and the wedding started. Tatsuya who was in the very front of the aisle was standing, looking so elegant and handsome with his tuxedo, was wearing a sad expression that other people cant determine since he has such a cold expression as always. But Miyuki who is walking in aisle knew that his brother is having all the saddest feelings he could muster. Is it regret? Anger? Anxiety? Depression? Sorrow? Crestfallen? Heartbroken? Tormented? She could already say that this might all be what his brother is feeling right know and it absolutely pains her loving heart.

What should I do? Miyuki was repeatedly telling it in her mind. Looking from left to right, wearing her smile as a facade to greet every guest as her heart and mind feels like its going to burst from overthinking. Should she continue this wedding although she knows that she would just inject continues pain in his brother's life? Or should she say no and set his brother free? Keep all her feelings inside her and divert her feelings somewhere else until it all disappears?

Miyuki reach the place where his brother is standing and lifted her face to stare into his eyes, its color looks like bluer than before, deeper and colder than she thought it could be. Tatsuya gave her his hand and she took it. He assisted her in front of the pastor that would be in charge of their wedding. As the ceremony takes place and reach the part where they would exchange their vows.

"Yotsuba-sama, will you take Shiba Miyuki-sama as your lawful and beloved wife? In sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer? Till death do you part?" The pastor asked.

Tatsuya was staring blankly at him thinking of Mayumi and her words, mustering every strenght he have just to say yes even he wanted to say no.

"Oni-sama?" Miyuki whispered and gripped his brothers hand.

"Yotsuba Tatsuya-sama, once again will you--"

"Yes. I take Miyuki as my wife." He interrupted.

"Shiba-sama, will you take Yotsuba Tatsuya-sama as your lawful and beloved husband? In sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer? Till death do you part?" The pastor asked.

"I...Uhm I..." Miyuki stattered

"Miyuki?" Tatsuya whispered and gaze at her sister gently.

"Sorry. Sorry. Uhmm but I wont marry Tatsuya-sama." Miyuki answered loudly. Loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Miyuki?" Tatsuya asked looking so puzzled yet relieve.

"Oni-sama, I know that you are deeply in love with someone else. I know that it is my fault that she left you. And I know that marrying me will further torment your heart. And I dont want to break you, I dont want the old oni-sama who keeps on following orders and doesn't have any emotions anymore." Miyuki said with a smile and a tearful eyes.

"Miyuki what are you saying?" Maya said as she stood up and tried to walk towards Tatsuya and Miyuki when suddenly a barrier of ice stops her. "What are you doing Shiba Miyuki!" Maya shouted

"Aunt Maya-sama, everyone... please stay on your seats and just listen."

"Miyuki you dont need to do this. I dont need your pity." Tatsuya said.

Mahouka Koukou No Rettousei : Tatsuya x Mayumi (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now