Chapter 16 : Extent of Your Love

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** 2 days before the plan of Mayumi to elope with Tatsuya.**

Kouichi knew about the time that Mayumi and Tatsuya spent the night together not because Saburou told him but because he had his intels tail Mayumi. And because of it, Kouichi had enough of his daughter's hard headedness and asked Saburou to summon Tatsuya on one of his company's office. Tatsuya hesitated at first but told himself that he need to face Mayumi's father, the man who wants to seperate them.

"You have come. Hello Shiba Tatsuya, Im Saegusa Kouichi, Mayumi's father. Please take a seat."

"Thank you for having me Saegusa-san." Tatsuya said and take his seat.

"I'll be straight with you since I know you wont tell me anything about yourself. Please Shiba-san, dont meet with my daughter anymore. She won't listen to me. Maybe atleast you could be someone easy to talk too."

"How sure you are that I will obey you Saegusa-san?" A supposed to be thought that just suddenly slipped out of Tatsuya's mouth.

"Sure enough because you care for Mayumi's welfare. First of all, Mayumi, she is engaged and it was publicly announced. It wont look nice if she is seen with some other guy rather than Hirofumi-kun right? Also you will be branded as someone who meddles with an engaged person. It will be hard for you too."

"I know you did that in purpose to make it hard for us to go out together in public."

"You are atleast clever. Just how it looks like. Well then that's all I want to tell you. You could leave now if you don't want to say anything else."

"Thank you for your concern. I'll take my leave."

Without further a do, Tatsuya left the place with unwavering fiery eyes. Despite of being determined to elope with Mayumi, Tatsuya had this troubled feeling and questions in his mind.


The day for Tatsuya and Mayumi arrived. Mayumi was fully prepared with a bag of clothes that is complete with their needs but light enough to bring and run with.

As she look at the time, Mayumi carefully and took her steps lightly. She was very careful not to wake anybody to sneak out of their house. As she successfully make out of their house without a sound, she run and reach a corner away from their mansion. As she was kinda far away, Mayumi took a glance back at their home with a lonely eyes. She shook her head and started to run to their meeting place. She taught that no one had seen her but in fact his father Kouichi was standing at his window as she make her escape.

"Hello. Hirofumi-kun? Yes she went out. Could you follow her, after all I think she will be waiting for no one. You have someone who tails her right? So you would know where she is. Yes. Yes. Thank you." He said as he talk to him. And whispered to himself as he hung the phone. "Mayumi, I hope Tatsuya would let you down this time."

Mayumi arrived at the place where she will meet Tatsuya 20 minutes earlier than the promised time. She was wearing her winter clothes but somehow she could still feel the cold breeze of the night. She takes her sit on the bench and waited for Tatsuya to arrive while warming herself by rubbing her hands together and pressing it in her cheeks.

Its already 11pm but Tatsuya was still not in sight. Mayumi waited patiently praying that Tatsuya wont break his promise. 30 minutes have passed but still Tatsuya is nowhere to be found.

"Tatsuya, where are you? Its freezing out here." She whispered

Another 30 minutes flew by. And it is already 12 in the morning. Mayumi looking so frustrated held back her tears of disappointment. The pain was already building up on her chest, the thought of Tatsuya abandoning her is too much to take. Despite all this, she didnt move an inch on the bench she is sitting on. She closed her eyes and prayed for Tatsuya to arrive once again and heard some footsteps. She had her hopes up. She opens her eyes and lift her face, but then she was disappointed... Who she saw was Hirofumi instead of Tatsuya.

Mahouka Koukou No Rettousei : Tatsuya x Mayumi (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now