Chapter 12 - Raging Love

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1 Decade later

The demigods were trained to the very best of their abilities. Suddenly, there was a golden than a purple flash around the summoned people and monsters and they all vanished. Erebus the sighed and said," They are getting ready for war against us. Chronos and Ananke have worked together to destroy all those people and they cannot be revived again."

The gods hardened and redoubled their efforts to defend the camp, but they did not dare to summon any more things as it will drain their power.

Just as the gods were about to put the last magic spell on the defensive borders, a blast of light destroyed the borders and the gods have to cast an aura of power around them and their children to protect them.

The primordials stood in a magnificent circle. The primordials gave a primal roar as they charge to meet the gods. Aether raised his sword. "Warriors of light! Come forth." "Warriors of Day!" "Warriors of the sky!" The three primordials from the sky shouted and Warriors wearing blue, and white armour came out of the skies and started to attack the demigods. The gods that were not restrained by the ancient laws tried to defend the demigods.

The seven gods of heroes were working together as a team, covering each other backs and destroying warriors in their paths.

Percy transformed into a wolf and with an ear-piercing howl, he went into battle. His 15ft form crushing any warrior attacking him.

Percy's pack was helping the demigods, covering their backs as the healers dragged them away from the battle when they are wounded.

The gods were panicking as they couldn't help their children battle as the ancient laws forbid them. Zeus only lifted the ancient law of not meeting their own kids. He could not change the ancient laws now as it would take a lot of energy to do that.

Aphrodite looked around. Demigods were getting massacred. Lovers were separated. Hearts were being broken. She got angry and once again, she screamed. However, this does not affect anyone, but it did stun everyone. Aphrodite crumpled to the ground, holding her head in pain. When she looked up, her eyes are glowing with a murderous rage and long strands of her once back hair, now pink and glowing, reached out strangled all of the Warriors that were attacking the demigods. She straightened her back and said in a booming voice," Demigods, move away. This is a battle between immortals." The demigods quickly scuttered out of her way, dragging the fallen and the wounded with them.

Aphrodite then decided to just ignore the ancient laws. She then summoned her pink hunting knives, her glowing pink hair still flying around that makes her look like she is crazy, which she probably was. She stabbed at Eros, the primordial of procreation, which makes sense as she is his rival for the domain, procreation. The primordial of procreation was shocked and snapped out of it to block her attack with his bow. However, one strand of Aphrodite's hair snatched the bow out of Eros's grip, ripped it away and she snapped it using her hair. Just as she was going to swing the final blow, Tartarus came into the picture. He used his broadsword to block the final fatal blow aimed at Eros from Aphrodite's hunting knives. Aphrodite growled in frustration as she blocked an attack from Tartarus.

Luckily, Nyx came to her aid as she engaged Tartarus in battle. Fear was evident in Tartarus's eyes as he knew Nyx was the strongest primordial, as powerful as Chronos and Ananke working together.

The other gods looked at Aphrodite and shocked that she would ignore the ancient laws. They then decided that they would follow her lead and also ignored the ancient laws. The gods shouted a war cry before going into battle as well.

Aphrodite finished Eros as she swung her hunting knives in an X-formation at his neck. Eros's head rolled around the ground before he disappeared into pink aura which Aphrodite absorbed. Aphrodite then went on to help Percy with Chronos and Ananke. Zeus went head-on against Ouranus with Gaia. Poseidon, Athena and Hades went against Pontus, Hydros and Thalassa.

After Nyx disposed of Tartarus, she and Erebus went against their own children, Hemera and Aether. Artemis and Apollo went against Aion, the primordial of eternity. Hephaestus, Demeter, Hestia and Hera went against Ophion, the primordial of life. Ares and Dionysus went against Achlys, the primordial of misery. Hermes and Hecate went against Nesoi, the primordial of islands.

The minor gods helping the demigods with the healing and tried their best to help the Olympians to defeat the Primordials.

After the battle has finished, the primordials are all gone, leaving only Nyx, Erebus. Gaia had sadly faded alongside with the other primordials.

Author's Note

Hey guys, I forgot about the minor gods and goddess at camp. I have just added it in.

Also, please remember to comment and vote. it will help me a lot.



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