Chapter 8 - Raging Love

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"I was joking. They will move to my cabin. I have a cabin, don't I?" Perseus said while laughing at their astonishment. Chiron nodded, still staring at the sheer number of wolves in Percy's pack. Percy laughed at their shock. The seven(Plus Thalia and Nico) snapped out of their shock and glared at him for laughing at them.

Jason pointed at a blue cabin with a large garden in front of it where there are a lot of beautiful ice sculptures that depicted greek heroes, except Heracles. He does not deserve it for abandoning and betraying Zoe. There are also alive ice wolves that guarded the cabin. They attacked anyone who comes near it with bad intentions. There is also beautiful nature that can rival the Demeter cabin.

"That should be yours. We tried to go in when it first appeared but the wolves chased us out." Jason said with mocking resentment. Percy laughed at the thought of it while Aphrodite, Artemis and her hunters snickered at that.

Percy motioned the pack to go in. They bowed their head and ran into the cabin, the ice wolves making acquaintances with them.

"I, Perseus Jackson, allows anyone with good intentions towards my cabin to go in." After Percy said that, the immortal all rushed in to see how it looks like, the demigods followed after them hesitantly.

When everyone was inside, there were "oohs" and "aahs" everywhere as people were exploring it. The inside was different as Percy was the Primordial of Earth, The Titan Lord of time and The God of wolves, North, Cold and Heroes.

There were 5 levels. The first one was where the wolves are. There were meat dispenser, water dispenser, basically everything a wolf needs. The second level was all ice and snow. It was cold and there were animals that love the cold there, such as the polar bears, the arctic wolf and fox. The third level was Demeter's children's heaven. There are beautiful plants and rare flowers. You can even see the sun there. The fourth one was a training and battlefield. There were weapons and battle arenas there. The Ares, Nike and other war gods' kids smirked at one another. This place will be great and better than sharing the Camp's official arena with the other useless campers, they thought. The last level was a normal cabin, with beds and side tables and stuff.

Author's Note

So...How is this. Please comment to tell me how it is and give constructive criticism.

Peace out,

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