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Perrie's POV *3 weeks later*

I'm smiling hugely as I walk out the studio bathroom with a pregnancy test in my hand. "Jess I need to steal you for a second." She nods and walks into the hallway with me. "What is it baby?" I show her the positive pregnancy test. Her face lights up with happiness. "Your pregnant, we're having a baby." She lifts me up and twirls us around. She kisses all over my face. I giggle and wrap my arms around her neck. " I love you Jess." I smile big and she just smile her goofy smile at me.

"This is amazing we're having another baby." She kisses me again holding me close. I laugh at how excited she is for the new baby. "I'm glad that your happy we have a baby on the way." She gets on her knees and pulls up my shirt to where my stomach is showing she kisses it "I love you my soon to be baby girl or boy." I look at her lovingly. She kisses my stomach again and pulls my shirt down standing up. "We have to tell the girls tonight."

*few hours later*

Jesy and I are cuddling in bed waiting for Leighade to get back with our kids. "Baby number 3 can't wait for him or her to get here." Jesy says putting her hand on my stomach and rubs it slightly. I nuzzle into her neck and I hear the click of a camera. I look up to see a smiling Jade and Leigh anne with their phones. "We're posting this on Insta just you know." Jade says alright getting on it and posting it.

"So what was the thing you needed to tell us?" Leigh Anne asks sitting on the edge of the bed with Ethan in her lap. Jade sits next to her with Evie. The twins crawl up the bed to me and Jess.

"I'm pregnant." I say smiling big. Leigh Anne's jaw drops, Jade claps happily, Eth looks happy, and Eve looks kinda down. " So we're having a little brother or sister?" Eth asks excitedly. Jess nods " Yes son you and Eve are gonna have a little sibling." She ruffles his ginger hair. He giggles happily. Eve says quiet and cuddles into me. " You okay baby girl?" I ask rubbing her back.

"Yeah." she says not looking at me. "Jade and I will let you guys have a family talk we'll be upstairs." Leigh Anne says as her and Jade go out of the room and head to theirs.

*two hours later*

Jesy's POV

Eve hasn't said anything since we told them we have a baby on the way. "Jesy can you talk to her, you better with talking to her then me?" She asks me putting Ethan in his highchair. I nod and walk into the living room where Eve is. She was coloring and watch the telly. " Eve baba are you okay?" I sit next to her. She nods not looking away from the telly. " Evelynn Jade Nelson what is going with you?" I ask her finally gettitng her to react. "I don't want a little sibling." She says looking at me with watery blue eyes. I hug her and kiss her head. " Aww sweetie don't cry, why don't you want a new baby in the house." She nuzzles into my neck. " I don't want to share you and mummy's love with a new baby, I don't want you two to forget about me and Eth" She cries a little. I hold her and sit her in my lap. "Baby girl there's no way me or mummy can forget you two you'll still be our babies even if there's a new one."

She sniffles and hugs my neck. " but what i..i.if you do." I shake my head " Impossible my little princess." She cuddles into me more. " You know me and mummy would never forget you or your brother, we love you two to much to forget." She smiles a little at my comment. " There's that cute smile I love to see." I kiss her forehead. She smiles more " Thanks mama." I tickle her a little " Your welcome you little cutey." She giggles in the most cutest way. " Mama stop it tickles." I stop and laugh.

"Feeling better now princess?" I ask her. She nods and smiles " Yeah I feel better mama." I smile and stands up with her in my arms. " Happier for a new baby now?" She nods " Yeah I'm happier about a new baby."

"Good let's go to mummy, Aunties, and Eth." We walk into the kitchen. "Everything okay Jess?" Perrie ask putting food on the table with Jade. " Yeah is now she was just scared we'd love her and Eth less with the new baby." I put Evie in her highchair. Perrie comes over and kisses her head then kisses me lightly. " Thank you for making her feel better." She smiles and sits at her spot. " Anytime for my family." I sit next to her and we all eat breakfast as a big happy family.


So that's it

Let me know what you think

Pesy having a new baby

K love ya



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