3 hours later in labor, I'm laying on bed ready to give birth. Corey is here by my side while the rest of the family are waiting outside the room. The nurses and the doctor are ready with their tools and stuff.

I pushed as hard as I can. "Stop. Take a deep breathe." Dr.J ordered. I took a deep breathe and waited for a bit. Corey is holding my hand and pulling my hair back. "You got this baby.... few much pushes then our baby will come to the world." He said. I nodded as I smiled.

I pushed and pushed. "The baby head is out! You're almost there!" Dr.J said. I shook my head. "I can't....it hurts...." I cried "Come on baby. Few more." He comforted me. I closed my eyes and open them the next minute.

I gave one last pushed. "Ahhhh !!!!" I cried out. There was a baby wailing in the room. My eyes were balling out. I could believe it. I did it. I gave a birth to another beautiful boy. "Would you like to cute the cord!" Dr.J asked. Corey nodded as he took the scissor. He cut the cord carefully as the baby cried loudly.

"Congratulations!" Dr.J smiled. I gave him a weak smile. I watched the nurse cleaned the baby with a towel. "Babe...you did it...I'm so proud of you.." Corey said in tears. He put his forehead on mine as we cry together.

"Here's your baby." The nurse handed me the baby. I took the baby in my arm and smiled. "Oh my god....he's so adorable..he looks like you.." I admitted. Corey smiled. "He has your nose babe..." I stared at the baby who is sleeping peacefully.

Corey's P

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Corey's P.O.V

My girl just gave birth to a beautiful boy. I watched her carrying our son. "I love you baby..." I told her. She looked up and smiled. "I love you too..." I kissed her and watches the baby sleep. "Here...carry him.." She said in exhausted. I slowly took the baby out of her arm and carry him.

The baby slowly opened his eyes as stared at me. His eyes are blue and big. "Hi baby...it's me your daddy. I've been waiting for you to come out of mommy's belly. You look so beautiful." I said. I took his finger as he hold my index dinger.

I looked at Janine and she weakly smiled. I grinned at her and looked back at the baby. He went back to sleep. I chuckled. I carefully gave the baby to Janine. "I'll be back..I'm gonna go get the family." I said. He nodded.

I walked out of the room and went to the family room. I entered as everyone looked up to me. They were waiting for me to say something. I smiled. "The baby is here..." I said. They cheered. "Come on you guys." I motioned them to come over. They follow behind me as I entered the room.

"Awww! Oh my god." Jody walked over to Janine. Janine smiled. "Congratulations!" Mariana B said. "Congratulations little bro." Kyle hugged me. "He looks just like Corey..." Justin said. I chuckled. "Thank you guys."

"Daddy...is the baby here?" Chase asked. I nodded. "Yes buddy...do you wanna see him?" I asked. He nodded. I picked him up and walked to Janine. I carried him while we watched the baby sleep. "Hi little brother..." Chase whispered.

I smiled. "Are you gonna be a big brother?" Chase nodded quickly. "I promise daddy. I will always protect him." He said. Everyone went in awed. "You guys are so adorable..I can't.." Julie said in tears. I chuckled.

"Can I hold him?" Jody asked. Janine nodded as she hand the baby over to her. Jody bursted in tears as she hold the baby. "He looks so beautiful son.." Jeff said. I smiled as I sat on a chair next to Janine while Chase sat on my lap. I watched the family cooing the baby. I looked at Janine and saw her sleeping. I kissed her forehead and sighed.

I'm proud of my girl. She did an amazing job. She gave birth to a beautiful boy and I fell in love. I want you guys to meet my son ...Jayce Seager. Janine and I decided that we wanted Jayce to take my last name. Don't worry, Chase will change his last name too,but I must marry her first in order to change his last name...I'm thinking to propose her very soon....

Hey guys! Another update! Yay! Hope y'all enjoy this! I can't believe Dodgers lost to Marlin 😑. Tbh, Tony did not bulk at all. Joe West is blind asf. Smh. Plus...WHY IS BAEZ STILL ON THE TEAM?! LIKE WTF?! UGh! Hope we can win tomorrow 😩. Goodnight 💙

Don't Go...-Corey Seager *completed* Where stories live. Discover now