Chapter eight: A Challenge

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CHAPTER EIGHT: A Challenge in Jason's and Piper's point of View

A/N: Don't hate me I draw them out. (Soon you'll know what I mean.)

~~~ Jason's POV ~~~

"A Challenge?" I asked Gohe.

"Yup yup yup." Gohe answered. "You need to walk across these planks, and do not fall in the lava. Simple? Simple." We came to this place a few minutes ago. They told us that if we cross we get peace.

"READY! SET! GO!" Cylos screamed. I started walking. A pop up popped up (no pun intended.). It was of Piper breaking up with me. I got so mad a lightning bolt came out of the sky. I think this is the end of the pop ups. I walked gracefully (no pun intended). I walked and smashed into the next pop up. I lost my balance and fell at the last minute I grabbed the end of the plank.

"JASON!!!!" I heard Piper scream. "Jason you can get up there. I believe in you." I automatically tried to get up. I failed. "JASON!!!!" She screamed as I fell to my death.

~~~ Piper's POV ~~~

"JASON!!!!" I screamed as my boyfriend fell to his death. I started to sob. I sat on the end of the plank. I started to lean forward.

Weat called to me. "Your boyfriend would've wanted you to live! Make you boyfriend happy where ever he'll go . . ."

"I can make him even more happy when he's in Esilym." I mumbled. I got up and kept running. Punching and kicking every cutout. I got to the end. I turned around. Weat, Willow, and Hazel were already there. "I guess younger you are the more nimble you are." I told them. Annabeth was almost there. Followed by Reyna, Octavian, Percy, Leo, Frank, Katniss, and Peeta. "You guys can do it! We can't let Jason down!" I called to them using charmspeak. Finally they got to the end. I saw Cylos write down something. Annabeth saw him to.

"What are you writing down?" Annabeth asked.

"Who's dead and who's not." Gohe answered for him. "Next you are going to a old hotel from before the war. Come with me."

A/N: See you knew later. I drew who died out of a cup. It was chance.

JASON: How. Dare. You. Kill. Me.

IMOCKINGJEY: Because I am a author and you are still alive if your talking to me. Let's admit your not that Graceful.

JASON: *whispers* I know I'm not graceful. Also I'm not talking. And what's with that Weat guy. Is he a son of m-

IMOCKINGJEY: Vote and Comment!

JASON: When did you start saying that.

Posted: June, 26 2014

Update in at least two days!

Next Chapter: No one dies

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