Chapter Three: Coming Home

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Chapter Three: Coming Home in Weat's Point of View.

It was creepy, when we found 10 teenagers in the forest. Now we bring them to our house? I don't know mom is so willing. Whenever someone knocks and asks for food or money. Mom shuts the door, and runs to her room.

"Where's your house?" Asked the blonde dude, Jason.

"Right over there" pointed dad, Jason looked awfully like dad, and Leo awfully like mom.

I don't get teenagers I'm 11 going on twelve, I'm not a teen yet. Willow is 13 she's a teen. Our house is pretty nice. Mom said we got it for free for doing a great deed. I don't know what, mom won't tell us. Dad said we expanded a lot since when they got it.

"What a nice house," said Jason in astonishment. "Do got room for us? We won't care if we can't stay"

"No, no, it's fine we have room, Weat won't you get the guest rooms ready?" Dad said.

I did. I went to guest room 1, I don't know if anyone will stay there. It smells like alcohol. I opened the door to see Haymitch. "Mom!" I called. She knows how to deal with this stuff.

Mom came running up the stairs. "What?" She asked.

"Haymitch" I said madly. I hate it when he's here.

Mom grunted and went in and took care of it.

I went to guest room 2, MESSY! There's gonna be six people in the room. I took the clothes off the floor threw them away. Made the beds. Took out more mattresses from the closet. Made those beds. Went to guest room 3. It was... CLEAN! I only had to take out the mattresses and make them.

I went down stairs, and realized there's no room for Gale and Fletcher. I saw Haymitch going home. I told mom there's no room. She sighed. "Let them take guest room 1"

"But it smells like alcohol!" I complained.

My mother motioned me for the stairs. I went and sprayed good smelling stuff. And cleaned the room.

"Gale and Fletcher in guest room 1, boys in guest room 2, and girls in guest room 3" I announced.

"Now everyone get settled" said Dad

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