"Ms Greenfield woke us up this morning because of something she heard." Dawn explained to me as she turned away from the other two causing my mood to shift.

Leaf and May looked just as confused as I probably looked now and we all just stood in silence as we waited. I let all memories of what happened this morning slip my mind before concentrating on the situation.

All of a sudden, there was stomping from upstairs which caused the four of us to look at the top of the staircase. Soon a panicked Ms Greenfield appeared from the top where Dawn had just dragged me. She looked around frantically before rushing down the stairs and heading towards us.

"You girls must get out. Now!" She demanded and began shoving us without warning.

She pushed us with such force that a few of us stumbled slightly before regaining our footing and continued being pushed away.

"Wait, why!?" Leaf asked in confusion but Ms Greenfield ignored the question and continued to shove us hurriedly towards the doorway.

"Please explain!" Dawn begged the woman but was also ignored.

I instantly placed my hands on the old woman's shoulders to stop her movements completely, causing her to look up at me. I think the interaction calmed her down slightly although her eyes were wide and panicked and her gaze was darting from one place to another.

"What's wrong?" I questioned with a serious tone to make sure she would listen and I sighed in relief as that proved successful.

"There's not enough time to explain....all I need you to do is get changed and then pack your weapons and a couple of belongings. Then I will explain to you. Probably..." She said in a calmer tone but her voice was still laced with stress as she ushered us back upstairs leaving us all in a confused state.

"What do you think that was all about?" Dawn questioned as soon we were out of ear range.

"Never mind that. Let's just do what she asked us so we can get an explanation as soon as possible." I told the other three who glanced at each other before nodding.

We instantly ran back upstairs and rapidly did as Ms Greenfield asked. As I was walking back downstairs with my fully packed bag, I heard commotion from outside. Just as I was about to draw open the blinds that shielded the windows from sunlight, a hand slapped mine away from the blinds that were about to be drawn back.

"Don't." Ms Greenfield demanded carefully.

She didn't have her usual calm demeanour today. Instead her wrinkles were showing clearly and her eyebrows were scrunched up into a frown. If this woman weren't so old and fragile, I would've snapped back after she'd slapped my hands away. She stared at me for a few more moments with a steady gaze before letting out a breath as though she had been holding it in the whole time. Her face held an expression of worry has she lowered her hands from my own.

"Are all the girls ready yet?" She questioned with the calm tone that I had gotten used to.

"Not yet. They take a bit longer to pack their things." I explained and she nodded before sitting on a chair with her hands clasped together and head down.

I sighed before joining her by taking a seat in front of her on the sofa. I could hear the constant thumping of footsteps on the bare wooden ground upstairs where the other three girls were causing a racket as they looked for their things.

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