Chapter Seventeen: Passion

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                        The silk ribbon of her new ballet shoes were laced around her ankles, poorly tied, swaying with each sloppy twirl. Her laughter filled the room over the intricate piano that poured through the speaker of her phone. The dizzying sensation sent her to plop her weight to the bed, her genuine giggles becoming stifled while her heavy breathing settled.

She couldn't recall when she was this happy. Although she's only been out of rehab for a week, and already had a couple of bad days, all that shit that happened seemed so far away. So distant. It haunted her most nights when she was alone in the dark, but the trickle of playful laughter filling the halls at night put her to sleep, reminding her she was in a different place in her life. She no longer needed to desperately cling to her past.

But what if that was the only thing that made her feel like herself?

Rosario expressed numerous times that she was not defined by her past, but sometimes Joy felt that was all she had. She didn't know who she was without it.

Tobias sitting in a plush seat, watching a blissful Joy dance around the room then sink into bed. He saw the light from her eyes vanish momentarily, the music white noise.

Tobias pounced on the bed, Joy becoming gleeful once more. He rested his head on his bent elbow, propped beside Joy. He had gotten her another pair of ballet shoes, understanding that the prior pair were destroyed by her mongrel of a lover.

"Are you excited about beginning classes tomorrow?" Joy slicked back her short locks, still drenched from her shower. She laid out on the bed, her explicitly phrased t-shirt hitching up her hip. The baby pink garment bore the words "suck it" stretched along her chest, below it a cherry lollipop.

"Kind of. I'm a little nervous though." Joy expressed, looking over at Tobias. "Ballet is elegant, I don't think they'll be happy to see some stripper with body modifications walk in and be better than them." She teased, a snicker being hidden behind the back of her hand.

"I understand your worry." He smiled, sitting up and gently taking her ankle. "But you shouldn't worry what anyone thinks of you. You're beautiful, and they would only be scorning you out of jealousy." Joy huffed, her tone becoming serious.

"They're not gonna take me seriously. You never see ballet dancers with tongue piercings and tattoos. They're all skinny and flat chested, and I'm-" Tobias cut her off.

"Now, now Joy. Your appearance can be altered for stage time. What matters right now is that you learn techniques. Ballet is a style you wished to learn for years, no?"

"Yes, but-"

"Then don't let anyone sway you. Focus on doing your very best. Your talent will outshine your unique appearance in the industry." Tobias assured her, pulling the bow of her shoe to loosen the ribbon. "The way you move is absolutely striking. If the instructors aren't blind, they will see beauty in you, just as I have." Joy watched him attentively pop off her shoe, his cold touch grazing her heel.

With the other, he did the same, lowering the shoe to the floor with grave care. His lips grazed her ankle, the instrumental stroke of his fingers as zealous as the piano keys that flooded over their engaged silence. Her body was tense, the uninviting gesture leaving Tobias to linger with questioning eyes.

For two years he hadn't made any move to bring her discomfort, and she honestly didn't believe she was worth the wait when it came down to this. For once, she wasn't unnerved, whole heartedly comfortable in his arms.

She hooked her heel behind his shoulder and brought him forward, Tobias leaning supporting his weight while his other hand gently traced her outer thigh. Joy gripped the collar of his shirt, snatching him into a breathless kiss.

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