Harper turned her back as soon as the door closed behind her, running up the stairs and flopping onto the bed with the phone. God she had missed having a phone for the past twenty four hours. She flicked through her social media accounts, her eyebrows raising when she saw that she had a couple of texts, some missed calls and a voicemail.

Lydia: come hang out with Allison and I

1 missed call from Lydia

Allison: we're doing facemasks!

Stiles: i just listened to your voicemail.

Stiles: are you at home?

2 missed calls from Stiles.

Scott: where are you it's late

Scott: harperrrrrr

Melissa: let me know where you are. i need to know if you're okay or not sweetie.

3 missed calls from Scott.

4 missed calls from Melissa.

1 voicemail from Stiles.

With raised eyebrows, Harper clicked on the last notification, Stiles' deep voice immediately flooding her ears like a melody sweeter than any other band she had ever enjoyed.

It made her miss stupid things like calling him up in the middle of the night, even if they had only been broken up for three days now.

"Harps, it's Stiles, obviously. Scott and Melissa say you're not at home and I know that you said your phone was going to die but hopefully you're listening to this right now. Tell one of us where you are and we'll come and get you. And please stop crying, you know I hate it when you cry. I'm sorry for all of the crap that I said. I was so angry and I wasn't even thinking. I just saw you and Isaac together and I'd never felt so insecure and useless in my whole life. I snapped and I should never have let you go. Next time we see each other we need to talk. I have a question to ask you."

Harper's heart beat quickened with every word that left his lips and travelled to her ears. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. It felt like she had ruined everything. She felt like such a dumbass for telling him that he was right last night, when he actually regretted the whole thing. She had messed up so bad.

"Oh my god," she whispered, allowing the phone to fall onto the bed.

She put her head in her hands, rubbing her temples as she felt a headache come on. Stiles still loved her. Stiles still wanted her. Stiles was going to ask her out again. She friend zoned him. She friend zoned Stiles.

"Idiot!" Harper yelled at herself, standing up.

The short haired girl moved to the mirror, a deterimed look on her face. She didn't care that she was only in leggings and one of Stiles' plaid shirts, paint splatters all across her skin and clothes. She didn't care that she was wearing one of the worlds messiest buns, or that she was looking slightly sleep deprived.

She was going to get Stiles back.

Grabbing her phone, she quickly pressed Stiles' number and put the phone to her ear, waiting nervously for him to pick up. He did after about two beeps, but before she could say anything he was talking.

"Harper? Can you please get over here? Cora and I need to tell my dad about the supernatural and he never believes me, but he might if you're here," Stiles rushed out, and it sounded like he was shuffling on the other side, "he's in my room right now and I don't know how to word it."

The brunette managed to push down her dissapointment about not being able to tell Stiles that she needed him back, knowing that he needed her in another way right now.

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