Chapter seven | flier

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As I drove us to school I felt lance put his hand on my thigh, I looked over to him and smiled but he was just looking out the window, maybe he's feeling shy?

"Are we going to tell people?" Lance mumbled

"Depends, if you want to" I said

"I want to but everyone thinks I'm like the straightest person ever, I didn't even tho m I was gay until I met you" lance said

"You could always be bi" I said

"Bi?" He asked

"Bisexual, where you like both genders, how do you not know this it's 2018" I said with a small chuckle

Lance rolled his eyes with a smile

I put my hand over his, he looked over to me and smiled but soon changed into a face of fear,

"What?" I asked glancing at him

"My parents! What am I supposed to tell them?!" He practically yelled

"Just tell them you like a man" I shrugged

"It's not exactly that easy for me" he said looking away and beginning to mumble again

"Why?" I asked

"My parents are really religious and believe being gay is a sin" he said

"Maybe they will be understanding? For you," I said trying to help him feel better about it all

"I doubt it, but we can always try?" Lance shrugged looking to me with a half-ish smile

I smiled at him and began to pull into the school parking lot.

As I got out I could see a few girls holding fliers walking over to us,

"Hey! I'm Britney and this is Emily! I was wondering if you guys wanted to come to my party tonight?" She asked

I looked over to lance and looked back to the girls "I'll see i we can," I said as I took a flier that had all the information on it

"Alright, hope you can make it!" She said with a big smile

I looked to lance once the girls had left

"This is our chance to come out to everyone" I said holding up the flier

Lance grabbed it and looked at it, it's an open party.

"You sure you want to?" He asked

"For sure! I love you, plus if anyone bugs us about it I can teach them a lesson" I said with a wink

Lance chuckled before folding the flier and putting it into his backpack

I smiled to him before we walked into the school for class, yay, another day of this useless place and I don't even have any classes with lance.

I walked over to my locker after giving lance a good goodbye in the boys bathroom.

If you don't know what I mean I mean make-out.

I unlocked my locker and took out my science I smiled to myself knowing that was how we first officially met was over his failed science sheets.

I put the science in my back pack and then closed my locker and locked it.

After a long day of school I walked back over to my car and leaned against it waiting for lance,

As I waited for lance I looked around at all the couples, all of them saying their goodbyes,

I sighed to myself knowing I couldn't do that with lance, I can't show him off to everyone, I can't show everyone he's mine. Or atleast not yet.

"Hey b- Keith!" Lance yelled as he waved to me

I smiled brightly as I finally get to see him, "hey"I said as I unlocked the car door

We both got inside and I locked the door and started the car

"Did you almost call me babe earlier?" I asked with a chuckle

"What? Nooooooo" lance said sarcastically

I rolled with eyes with a smile as I turned on the engine of the car and began to drive away from the school

"Your house or mine?" I asked

"Yours, I don't want to see my parents yet because then I'll feel like I'm lying to them" lance said with a sigh

I put my hand on his thigh and continued to drive

I parked the car in the driveway of the safe house, I don't think lance will ever go back to my original house again, it's not safe with my parents coming in and out all the time.

I grabbed my backpack and lance grabbed his, we walked and I locked the car.

I walked into the house and walked upstairs to my room where I assumed lance was, I opened the door to my room and looked at lance and smiled

He was laying on my bed peacefully, I guess he's really drained from school.

"Want to go tonight?" I asked as I laid down on the bed beside him

Lance sat up and moved closer to me laying his head down on my chest and wrapping an arm around me

"Yeah, I sounds like fun, besides I have never really been to any parties before" he said

"Really?" I asked

"Yeah, a lot of people know me but not many people are friends with me, they just know of me" he said

"Oh," I said

He shrugged "it's whatever though I could care less, I just want to finish high school and never look back" he said

I nodded "where's the flier? What time is it at?" I asked

Lance sat up and grabbed his bag, he opened it and took out the folded flier and passed it to me,

'9:00pm' it says

"We have lots of time, want to sleep?" I asked seeing lance seems really tired

"Yes! Please!" Lance said loudly with a groan

I smiled and laid down, we are still on our school clothes but who cares?

Lance snuggled up beside me and we both soon drifted off to sleep.

A/n; ayyyy they are coming out next chap, wonder what people will say?

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