Chapter four | desired one

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Edited: July 4th 2019

After a few hours of just starring at lances dead looking body I felt his pulse getting stronger.

I could feel it getting stronger each second, maybe he now has enough blood again?

Maybe he's stable?

I nudged lances arm softly, I watched his eyes flutter as I did, as I watched him wake up and placed a kiss on his cheek moving closer to his lips each time

When I reached his lips he was fully awake and he kissed me back, only a peck though.

He opened his eyes and looked up to me

"What did you do? What happened?" He asked

"I drank slightly too much of your blood, so you fainted I guess? For a few hours to make more blood? I really don't know it's been awhile" I said shrugging

"How old are you?" Lance asked suddenly as he slowly sat up

"I died about 100 years ago, I was 17 when I died" I said with a sigh looking away, I didn't know what he would think of me and I really didn't want to know

Lance gently pulled my chin making me look to him, he had a big smirk across his face "I like older guys anyway" he said with a smirk and he placed his lips against mine

I blushed as I kissed him back, this time my cheeks were really red, because of lance that is.

We sat on my bed and just began to talk after we had a small make out session.

"So why did that happen to you?" Lance asked holding my hand

"Blood makes us look alive, it keeps us looking like well... you, though we are called immortal we kinda aren't in a way, if I don't have blood I will just become a corpse, what I really, truly  am" I sighed trying to explain

"So if your parents don't get enough blood they will just become like a corpse?" Lance asked

"Pretty much seeing my father is like 300 years old" I said looking over to him

He turned himself to look at me, I pulled him close so now his head was on my chest.

"Nothing, I hear nothing" he said

"Weird huh?" I smiled

"Yeah" he said feeling my hard, empty chest

After awhile of lance being at my house he decided it was time to go seeing his parents would be wondering where he has been for so long.

Plus, my parents will kill him the second they see him... which I really hope they won't.

I walked downstairs with lance before realizing my parents were already home,
I quickly pushed lance back into my room and closed the door behind him.

I walked downstairs to figure out why my parents were already home.

"Hey" I said with a smile waving to them

"Hey hunny, hows everything? You look really good! I see you got something to feed off of" My mom spoke as she cut something up on the counter

"Good and yeah I really needed it. how'd the hunt go?" I asked

"Great! Speaking of hunt, why does it smell like human in here? Have you been hunting for yourself?" My mom asked

I shook my head 'no' nervously

My mom looked deep into my eyes and then turned and looked to my dad

She whispered things to him before he began to walk upstairs, my mom probably could see i was lying and told my dad to go because she knows he's stronger.

I ran upstairs trying to beat my dad to the door, I can't let him touch lance, I like him too much, he's the first person I've ever felt this way for.

As my dad pushed passed me I yelled at him pulling and tugging at any part of his body that I could grasp onto.

My dad pushed me into the wall and grabbed my door knob, as he slowly opened it I could see lances beautiful tan body peak through


I quickly got up and punched my dad, I hissed at him showing my fangs, my eyes burned a dark red as I starred into his eyes,

I could feel my dad weaken as I continued to stare at him,

When I stopped I looked behind me at lance who looked absolutely terrified.

My dad looked at me in shock and then looked at my mother who was sitting at the door frame, they were both in shock.

"What?" I growled

"Y-you love him don't you?" My mother asked me

I looked back at lance who looked really confused and still in shock by what happened

"How could I love him I met him yesterday" I said annoyed

"You do, he's you're desired one, that's how you had the ability to do that, no vampire can mess with another vampires desired one." My mom told me

I nodded, I still don't trust my parents around lance even if I can protect him, I don't even know if my mom is speaking the truth.

I quickly picked up lance and held him over my shoulder and walked downstairs and outside the house. Im going to take him to our second house that we were going to use as a safe place if anyone had found us.

"You've been walking forever and I've been hung over your shoulder for so long, if you're going to carry me can you carry me in a comfortable position" lance spoke

I nodded as I put lance down for a second and positioned him so that our chests were connected and his legs were wrapped around my waist.

Lance dug his head into my neck and whispered "better" in a soft tone

It made me blush once again, maybe I really do love him.


This was kinda short in a way but like a lot happened sooooo yeah, enjoy 🤷🏼‍♀️😂

Word count: 991

New blood /// klanceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ