Epilogue: Pure-Blood Survival... Well mostly Pure...

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While Sinisa and Knight healed old wounds in voluntary seclusion. Crimson and Rancor where able to deal with the current situation undistracted. The final assumption after speaking with the Architect and obtaining all information available was, they had been tossed a crossed the universe, literally.

'A tear in the fabric of subspace?' Was one thought

'A well-placed trap from an enemy Queen?' Was another, less liked theory.

'An Ancestral Ring malfunction.' Was the Architects only true guess.

It never really mattered, what any of the many assumptions were. No one ever really put many resources into it. Without a means to replicate the anomaly, it was not a viable option to pursue. Knight however, remained certain the Ring had something to do with it. Beyond that nothing could ever be confirmed. Eventually, even he would forget, what brought them to this new place.

A decision had to be made, that effected all lives on board the Hive. Resources where extremely limited and there was no evidence Ancestral Ring's ever existed, in this system. To the best of anyone's knowledge, the Hive was currently alone. They were too far from the Pegasus galaxy to even consider returning. The decision to land the Hive, did not come easily, to anyone.

The world they choice, was covered in green life and fresh water. Surface scans revealed, potential animal life. Combine that with the supplies available, the humans on board could build food. The Hive would be used as shelter. Until new structures could be built to sustain them. The large ship could keep, all the Wraith in hibernation, if necessary, once it landed. They all hoped it would not be necessary for long.

The Architect skills where used in this place more, then they ever had been in the past. He was one of the few remaining Architects, of the same genetic virus used to grow the very Hive that carried them to this wild place. Knight was not a healer, he was a builder. A genius, when it came to manipulating anything, on a microscopic level. He had not only the knowledge, but the ability to genetically transform, anything they needed or wanted.

Crimson and Rancor, had to change how they controlled the Hive itself. The few pure-blooded Wraith that where once fodder for the front lines. Where now more precious then, they cared to admit. They had to build a new life and they would need, fresh bloodlines to build a future in this untamed place. Change did not come easy, to either of them. However, they did build a thriving colony before their days finally came to an end, together.

Sinisa never had the chance to raise Crimson. But she did have the chance to raise several more young, Sired by Knight's seed. She even had the opportunity to meet many of her grandchildren and see even more be born. To her surprise, Crimson was already Zah'ren, to nearly a hundred of her crew.

When they took a head count immediately after their arrival in this seemingly uninhabited place. There was two hundred and seven Wraith, on board Crimson's Hive, herself included. Eighty-nine of the Commander's and Drone's, where hers. As well as, two young females, currently on board.

Crimson was mother to five females' in all, three others had fully grown and left her long ago. The Crimson Queen was always curios, about those she left behind. She had lived a long life in Pegasus, but she could no longer concern herself with the fate of those, forever lost to her.

The Crimson Queen had seen her parents reunited for the first time since she was born. Any price they had to pay, was worth that single moment to her. Rancor, despite his constant show of irritation, agreed. He never did claim his debt repaid. He just continued to claim every opportunity to do repay an untold debt to both Sinisa and Knight, until the day they all parted, in different story.

Knight was surprised, when Sinisa refused to ever leave his side. She even went with him to Feed. It truly was an unbreakable union. She no longer cared about witnessing his necessities, if he did not complain about hers. It was a joke between them as the year's passed and they built a new life, together.

Three-hundred and Forty-Two humans where counted, with everything else on the Hive; when they first landed the oversized craft. Knight always joked that it made Three-hundred and Fifty souls in all, lost to Eternia. At least he always said it with a cheerful grin, even though life for the Pure-Bloods was the hardest of all. Eternia, was the title the Wraith gave to their moon, when they thought they might be stuck there, for eternity.

Pyre-Aster, was the title given to their new colony. Eternia Pyre-Aster, the closest translation for those that did not speak Wraith, was Ever Burning Star. Thats what they called their new home. Despite all the odds against them, both Wraith and Human bloodline's continued to shine bright. Even the notable hybrid's where accepted here. Their world became a perpetual colony, in a lost galaxy, far from any war or conflict.

They developed a new way of life, preserving very little of the life they once knew. They were aware, the situation in Pegasus, was dire for both Wraith and human. However, the end to that conflict, if it ended, was unpredictable. 'They could be all that remained of Pure Blooded Wraith.' No chance could be taken, Crimson's made certain daughter's where Bonded to Pure Blood's. There had to be a capable Queen for the following generation's.

Knight and Sinisa never once dreamed of ruling their own Hive. They only wanted to be left alone. In the end, they became the sole guiding force, behind the creation of something, no one ever dreamed possible. They built a home together with their family. In place, where no one could ever separate them, again. But that happy bedtime tale... was only told their children and passed down through the years, for uncounted generations.

A/n: I tried very hard to... put a name to galactic cluster Arp 273 and a proper distance. (Yes, it is a REAL location in the sky, between Andromeda and Perseus.) It did not happen, however.

It also proved very hard to calculate distance between two galactic points', when one of them was not our sun. If I did not satisfy... the locational need's.... I am open to suggestions. I do hope I satisfied all other... issue's and you enjoyed my little event.

**Image disclaimer: most are stolen from the internet... some from NASA/Hubble telescope, mostly ARP 273 and the anomaly. Unfortunately, none of the images are mine.

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