Chapter Five: Someone else must try to explain ...

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The trip to meet the Crimson Queen would take days. Not only were the quadrantes remote, but it took a skilled pilot to navigate the enormous Hive through the treacherous spatial passages. They had been to this location once before, when they parted with the Architect the first time.

Their destination was a small worshiper colony controlled by the Crimson Queen. It was inhabited by Human's, Wraith, and rouge hybrids from all faction's and era's. The village was old, simple, and well hidden. Enemy Wraith had never found it, or never cared to look for it, no one was truly certain. It had survived since long before the Crimson Queen's time and everyone hoped it would remain long after.

During that time,  Sinisa and the Huntress spent the many long hour's comparing their past. They even joked and laughed with one another while trying to reason out happy futures for all. The Huntress even admitted, she very much want to ally with this hybrid Queen, but there where still many uncertainties. There were many lives including that of her young, she needed to protect. Sinisa understood, even though the Huntress offered much. The human would not risk her Hive's safety, not even for her or the Architect.

Sinisa respected the blind human, immensely. She projected confidence in everything she did. Sinisa couldn't help but even be a bit envious of her authority over Wraith. However, she had known a different past. When Console still controlled the Queen's and rumors of such barbaric rituals, drove even the strongest Wraith females to commit horrific insanities. Sinisa did not want to take her place, just be respected as the Huntress was.

The Null-Wikca was given her own quarter's, and it felt good to be aboard a Hive again. Unfortunately, the Huntress insisted she be escorted everywhere, by one of her Sire's. Sinisa did not understand why, the repeated explanations about her current condition still eluded her. It was something about Separation Sickness being a threat to the Wraith around her. So, she accepted the escort's constant presence next to her.

They were not expected at the rondeau for almost another day. Sinisa was going to meet the Huntress in her quarter's, when she suddenly collapsed in the hall. Fifteen caught the fragile human in his grasp before she hit the floor. The Wraith was hit with an impulse to taste her flesh.

Fifteen hissed with displeasure, as he pulled the rest of the human's limp flesh into his arms. He feared his Huntress's wrath, more then he wanted to sate the humans overwhelming physical need. The Wraith struggled to focus his mind as he carried the Null-Wikca to her destination carefully.


"I should go." Fifteen purred after he laid the unconscious Null-Wikca in the Huntress bed. When he placed his hand on the Huntress shoulder she gripped his hand in return.

"You have been with her the longest. She is not going to... Her Parvana is missing. She is running out of time?" The Huntress's voice tugged at Fifteen unexpectantly.

"Huntress?" He questioned her intent.

"No one understands her fear's more than me. I need someone I trust to be here when she wake's up. I am only asking you... stay with her Fifteen. Help her... if you are able." The Huntress pulled the Wraiths hand to her lips and kissed his finger's gently. "Nothing that is not acceptable for both of you. But someone must explain this sickness to her, before it is too late."

Fifteen just grumbled, he did not like wordy remark's. The Huntress could sense his emotional debate on the matter. He was not completely averse to the idea, however, that creature might be. "We will rondeau with the other Queen soon. If we fail to help her, perhaps she will have better luck." The Huntress smiled as she released the Wraith's hand.

Fifteen let out a sigh-full grumble in response and the Huntress tried not to laugh. "Respect her as you would me." The blind human reached out a hand towards the Wraith and he hesitated to respond. "You are still one of my Sire's."

 The normally quiet Wraith was known for his overly healthy respect for the Elder, and was one of the more reluctant Sire's to accept affection from the Huntress, even in privet. The Wraith was not one of her closer Sire's, but she still trusted him completely. The Huntress had no fears in leaving him alone with the Null-Wikca.

 Once Fifteen had finally agreed to stay, possibly even help the girl, if necessary. the huntress left them alone in her quarter's. However the Wraiths reluctance in the matter, remained apparent. The girl, couldn't be talked into doing anything, not even see logic or reason.


It was not until they reached the worshiper village that the Huntress returned to her quarter's. Fifteen answered with a distasteful expression on his face.

"M-a-y  I   b-e   d-i-s-m-i-s-s-e-d?" Fifteen blurted out tone-fully when he saw the Huntress on the other side of the doorway. The Huntress was stunned, she reached out a hand towards the distraught Wraith. When he took it, she felt his irritation with the female peaking.

"Come back and speak with me, when this has all passed. I will expect you, Fifteen." The Huntress gripped his hand tightly, he had stayed as she asked, nothing more could be expected. She wanted him to know, he had not failed her, even if he failed to help the girl.

"Yes, My Huntress." Fifteen tried to release his rage. The Huntress promised he would not have to deal with the female again, after this. He focused on that, inching his way towards the door. The Huntress stepped aside and motioned for him to go.

"Make certain my Hive Commander brings our guests directly here. Then I expect you to rest, you have earned it." The Huntress stated clearly as Fifteen passed her. The Wraith grunted in response then disappeared down the hall.

After a moment the Huntress held out her arm's and Four placed a bundle of leather's in her expectant hands. He closed the door with a small sigh, and the Huntress was left alone in her quarters to learn what mistake's, she might have recently made.

Sinisa was upset, apparently the attempt at conversation with Fifteen did not go well. The Huntress could not apologize enough to the Null-Wikca. But she maintained her stance that this sickness, could not be ignored. Nothing was forced on her, but word's and Sinisa seemed to have had enough of those too.

The Huntress thought it best to, refocus Sinisas attention by informing her they where in contact with the other Hive. They had been informed of her condition and visitors where expected any moment, to speak with her.

"I had this prepared for you. I do hope it is to your liking." The Huntress set the bundle of leather on the edge of her bed. She knew her own quarters well, the leather clasped female, moved about the room almost as if she could see. If something was out of place she would grumble and move it back before continuing.

"I was told you wore white. You must tell me if it is suitable, as I cannot see for myself." The Huntress grumbled, as she made her way to the table in the other room and sat down at a chair, peacefully. It took Sinisa several minutes to get over her frustrations and look are the garment left on the bed. It looked like a mess of white leather, at first. Sinisas curiosity eventually got the best of her, so she looked even closer. The bundle of leather was a dress, similar to the one she once wore. It was not as fancy or detailed and the neck was cut low, with no collar.

Sinisa had years of practice with these types of garment's. Even without the HiveMasters assistance she was able to slip into the dress with little adversity. It was very simple, compared to what she once wore. However, it felt good to be wrapped in protective leather again. The gift made it hard to remain upset with Huntress. By the time the expected knock came to the Huntress's chamber door. The two females' where able to speak plainly with one another, once again.

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