Chapter Ten: Some things are...

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The search for the missing Architect was difficult. Rancor found no trail to follow. Despite his willingness to help, it was difficult to justify spending resources needlessly. Sinisa however was certain, Knight was close.

'We need to search, each world, for signs of wreckage, or an alternative food source.' Crimson's order was followed quietly. Small teams of Dart's where dispatched to each of the moon's in the system. It was the communication, that came several hour's later. That only proved, feminine intuition accurate.

Rancor turned to his Queen remorsefully, when it came over the recently repaired communication's array. They did not speak verbally.

'They have found him.' He looked at her painfully. They where on the command deck at the time and she moved towards him, in response.

'He is...?' Her mind needed to know his condition.

'Alive, for now. The Drone's had to pry him from the wreckage. He did not wake when they feed him. His wounds are...deep.' Rancor's gaze turned towards the Null Wikca who sat calmly on the Queen's perch.

'How soon?' Crimson tried to focus on the Architect's return.

"What is it?" Sinisa asked when she noticed the HiveMaster look at her.

"They found him." The Crimson Queen purred as she turned to face the Null-Wikca with a smile. Sinisa immanently jumped to her feet, she was filled with both joy and fear. 'After everything, Knight had every reason to hate her.'

"Come Zah'ren, let us finally reunite you." The Crimson Queen purred softly as she guided Sinisa to meet the arriving Dart's. Rancor fell in step, close behind them.


The Architect was found, still in his crashed Dart. The ship was not sealed, so it was unknown, if he had been awake after impact. Several different wounds, brought him to near starvation, during the time he was missing. His wound's where tended carefully, and he was returned to his quarters on the Hive.

Sinisa was surprised when she saw the room, they stopped in. Crimson assigned her Sire quarter's that where as big, as a HiveMaster's quarter's. She even guessed it might have been Rancor's room once, but he seemed to have no need of it. The Null- Wikca thought it was best to keep that assumption to herself.

No worshipers where permitted to enter the room. Rancor often intervened at the threshold, as each knock with supplies or nourishment came and went. It felt like they waited for weeks, for some sign of life from the Architect. Luckily, it was little over twelve hours, when the injured Wraith began to stir.

"Why are you, h-e-r-e?" The first thing the Architect's eye connected with, was the very tall male Wraith in the room. When he tried to sit up his chest hurt. Suddenly, his mind was flooded with the memories of the station's destruction, and his subsequent crash on some unknown world. He tried to push everything away, as he sat back exhausted.

"I have something for you, Architect." Rancor purred pleasurably.

"I want nothing from you." The Architect closed his eyes. He knew Crimson would not let him challenge Rancor easily, it was a battle he had already lost.

"B-e c-a-r-e-f-u-l HiveMaster." Crimson warned Rancor openly. He looked at her, then took a deep tone-full breath. Knight opened his eyes to see the girl he titled Crimson, so long ago. He was pleased to see her, even if he disagreed with her choices.

"It seems..." Rancor put his right hand out into the air next to him and turned his head slowly. "...he does not wish, to see you, Null-Wikca." Rancor waited until a small human hand grabbed his, then he closed his grip around it. By the time he guided the small figure into the light next to him, the Architect was sitting up on the bed. The Architect looked at Crimson confused.

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