Chapter Three: Maybe some things, Should be left Alone...

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          "They still haven't spoken?" Woolsey grumbled as he looked down into the isolation room. Below was the Wraith, doctor Keller called Architect after her first meet and greet, with him. Since then, he had not said a word, not even when Keller told him the Null-Wikca was recovering. The human choice not to speak either, after Keller had to sedated her.

 It was the first time both Wraith and human, had been awake in nearly two week's. However, neither of them wanted to communicate.

"Mr. Woolsey, come in." The radio's voice interrupted any response the doctor might have given.

"Yes, go ahead." The commander of the base responded.

"You might want to get up here. We are receiving a transmission." The radio cut out abruptly.

"No one is expected, who is it?" He responded with a confused expression.

"{scuffle sound...} Todd... is requesting permission to enter orbit. Apparently, his Hive is just outside sensor range." The radio cut out again.

"I have a feeling Coronal Shepard is there? If I find out he called the Wraith against my command." Woolsey's voice sounded irritated. He noticed Keller did not seemed surprised by the communication and she tried to ignore him. "You knew." He remarked after a moment.

"It's still our best option. If there are more...'Todd's' out there. Then maybe there is hope for Wraith, yet." The Doctor emphasized Todd's name. She always did have a different view on survival then most. She was a healer, Woolsey tried not to be irritated by her point of view. 

"I still don't trust him." The commander grumbled as he turned to leave the room. He not only had a Wraith Hive to deal with, but an urge to deal with Coronal Shepard, as well.

"I am certain Coronal Shepard doesn't either." Keller smiled as Whoolsey walked away with a  huff.


Several hours later...

"Lieutenant... I mean Huntress?" Keller's voice almost squeaked when she stopped herself from using the Huntress human name. The doctor looked curiously at the human female accompanied by Todd the Wraith as they entered medical.

"Not a word. Shepard said I had to wear my old uniform after what I did to him before. I forgot how... uncomfortable these things are." The Huntress grumbled as she pulled at the pant leg. It had been years since she had worn anything so restricting. The Wraith next to her was grinning. He had to wear those jumpsuit's once, it was not a fond memory.

"When can I speak to them?" Todd just blurted out after a moment of silence.

"Hi, to you too. Well um... you can see them, anytime. The Wraith is fairly uncooperative and the girl, seams to be recovering from her wounds. We have been keeping them in separate isolation room's, until we can talk to them." Keller set down her tablet and turned to face her newly arrived visitor's.

"Sorry, Doctor Keller. We did not expect to be back, so soon." The Huntress squeezed the Wraiths arm.

"Must we go through these human pleasantries with everyone, every time?" Todd grumbled.

"The Doctor mean's, they haven't spoken since they woke up. Not much else then a name. Which is more than I can say for some of us." Shepard interpreted the situation before anyone else said anything to agitate it. Todd glared at Shepard in response. The female's in the room tried not to smile at the rising male tension "{cough} So, who do you want to see first?" Keller cleared her throat.

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