Chapter Four: There is much we should discuss...

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Sinisa choose to stay in Atlantis, the prospect of having a choice in her own future appealed to her greatly. The humans offer of friendly companionship was irresistible to her. The protection the great city offered was astonishing and Sinisa wanted to explore the new possibilities.

Since she was also a native to Pegasus and far more understanding of Wraith, Teyla became one of the Null-wikca's few friends. Doctor Keller was a fragile female, Sinisa considered her a friend as well. However, Sinisa feared neither female could be a true confidant. Many of the others, despite how much they tried to hide it, tended to hold back around her. It did not seem to be her truth seer abilities that kept them at bay, but her bold Wraith like behavior that detoured most everyone.

What evolved over the next few months, was surprising to all. A strange kinship quickly formed between Major Lorne and Sinisa. With nothing better to do, Sinisa had offered her aid in the cities trade negotiations. That eventually lead to several uneventful off-world missions with Major Lorne's team. The Major always claimed The Null-Wikca proved invaluable in settling the negotiations quickly and fairly.

Shepard swore he caught a glimpse of the Major entering the White Witches room late one evening. However, when asked about the situation, he was completely ignored. The Major even took the implication as an insult and it was not mentioned again. Sinisas obvious affectionate nature towards only the Major, left everyone to draw their own conclusions, in private.


It was not often Sinisa was called to Atlantis's command. Most communications came through Major Lorne, since he had the best relationship with her currently. However, this one came directly from Woolsey and the Null-Wikca found herself standing quietly in command, waiting for him to notice her.

"Why am I here?" Sinisa just spit out after several minutes. The bald man stopped what he was doing and let out a sigh before he turned around.

"You have a communication." The Cites commander stated clearly as he looked at the silver haired girl. She just looked confused when he pointed to an open console nearby. "Go ahead." He muttered to her. Sinisa looked around, the gate was open, the message could be from anyone, anywhere.

Sinisa sat down at the console still confused, until she saw a familiar face on the screen. The image was dressed far different than before. This time she looked like a Wraith Queen, adorned in fancy leather's. However, her scares where unmistakable, the blind human whose image was on the screen, was the Huntress she had meant several months ago.

"What is this about?" Sinisa spit out confused when she saw the image on the screen.

"Finally, I was starting to think they had lost you too. I... I wish to speak with you, Sinisa... in private." The image seamed hesitant as she spoke. It was apparent she did not want to speak in front of the other human's. Sinisa could see the Hive behind the Huntress image and it made her long for something she failed to forget.

"How?" Sinisas voice was almost regretful.

"We can have this diverted to..." Woolsey started to comment but he was cut off.

"Forgive me Mr. Woolsey but there is nowhere privet in that entire city. If your guest is feeling better? I would like to extend an offer to come..." The Huntress' voice was sincere, but she was cut off.

"Agreed. Where should I meet you?" Sinisa seemed far more agreeable to the ideal of boarding a Hive, then anyone thought possible. As everyone looked to her surprised, she just shrugged.

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