Chapter 1: Reunion

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It was your usual night in Amity as the mystery trio patrolled the streets for the ghosts that insisted on haunting the town.

Danny almost fell out of the air when Sam spoke, "Is that Robin?"

"What's a Gotham hero doing here?" Tucker confirmed.

Danny grinned like a madman as he mumbled out a, "I think I know," before shooting off to find the bird himself much to his friends' questions.

It was a last minute decision and a stupid one he admits but it was fun either way. Once the other Grayson boy was spotted, Danny dove towards him. Slowing down to not hurt him when they hit and he turned back to his human form and muted his Fenton phones before he landed.

The two skidded across the roof with a grunt with the ghost boy taking most of the damage as he flipped his brother to the top. The two stared at each other for a moment, taking each other in.

"Hey, Dick! How's it going?" He waved from his spot.

"Danny!" Robin exclaimed as he pulled the other boy into a bone-crushing hug. He pulled back to look him over, "look at you. You grew so much!"

Danny raised an eyebrow, "we're twins. I grew just as much as you." They laughed.

"Danny!" Three voices called out from below. Danny winced as he activated his comm,

"In fine guys," he assured as Dick gave him a questioning look, "just saying hi to an old friend." He turned off his comm as Robin frowned. Danny laughed as they stood, "Bruce would kill you if you let your ID be revealed to a bunch of teens right?"

They walked to the edge and Robin lowered them down via grappling hook.

"What the hell kind of stunt was that? Look at yourself, all scratched up. Not to mention hurting a hero like the Robin!" Sam ranted as she checked the younger hero over.

"Ouch my ego," Danny deadpanned. The others laughed.

"So that makes you Danny Phantom," everyone froze at the comment and turned to the hero in question.

"Dam I wanted to tell you myself," Danny pouted to the others surprise.

"So, how does it work?" Robin asked as he started poking his brother who in turn started to laugh. Much to Robin's delight, his laugh matched his own cackle. The two looked at each other, "you still have it!" He exclaimed happily.

"And you're still a Dick." There was silence at the comment. The non-heroes watched for a reaction to the assumed insult towards the hero. Robin slowly got closer to Danny with a serious face.

"No I'm not a dick," his voice was deep as he left a pause. "I'm the Dick. The dickiest of dicks," he said cheerfully as he slung his arm over the other's shoulder. Both were laughing at the others' faces of shock in the identical creepy cackles.

Jazz was first to recover as she studied the two, "So how do you know my little brother?"

"I met him before I came to Amity," Danny cut Dick off before he could comment.

"Where?" Sam was in on the questioning.

"Where else? Gotham," Robin deadpanned.

"When were you there?" Tucker looked.

"Five years ago?" Danny looked over for confirmation.

"Saddest day of our lives," Robin nodded.

"Yeah," Danny sighed, "My question is what took you so long to find me?"

"I...Uh... Um," Robin fidgeted as he stepped back.

"Don't tell me it was because you refused to get help from Batman," Danny raised an eyebrow. Dick put his head down.

"How do you know that?" Sam asked.

"He's not here. Robin probably snuck out for this," Danny pointed out. Robin ducked his head more. "But on a different note," they all looked over at the halfa. "How are we gonna do this?" He looked expectantly at his brother for a plan.

"Whose house do you want to meet him at?"

Danny thought for a minute. "Who are we talking about?" Tucker asked as realization crossed Jazz's face.

"Maybe it would be better to go to his house. You know it probably being less dangerous," Jazz suggested as she thought of her brothers twin being attacked by their family's food.

Robin gave a 'are you kidding?' face. "Tucker's right, who are you talking about?" Sam pushed her way into the conversation. Danny looked at his two siblings, wondering if he should tell them. They oh so helpfully motioned it was up to him.

"My brother," he said hesitantly. His two friends blanched at the statement.

Tucker then laughed, "that's funny dude I thought you just said you had a secret brother." Sam was still processing the information.

"In pretty sure that's what I said," Danny said as he looked to his two siblings who nodded.

"So you have a brother," Sam finally spoke.

"A twin actually," Robin answered.

"It was funny when you were trying to dress Danny as him for Halloween that one year," Jazz giggled.

"Uh don't remind me. You were gushing about how hot he was all week long. He's my younger brother. That was so gross," Danny shuddered.

"Your brother is Richard Grayson," Sam asked shocked as Robin rolled on the floor in laughter at his brother's comment.

"I think I sense him over here," a voice exclaimed from above.

A/N *Slowly slides this over* "Maybe they won't notice I forgot to post this..."

*runs to avoid readers* "Sorry!"

So...ya. I admit that I kept writing instead of posting this.

I'm going on a trip now and I'm so tired. I went to bed at 2am ish and was woken up at like 4:30 for our 6:30ish flight. I miss sleep...

Hope you like it! I'm excited for Batman meeting Danny!

Tell me what you think! -Ghost

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