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Hot minty breath fans my face, my eyes fluttering shut, gulping as thoughts swirl across my mind.

I can do this...

This is so not how I imagined spending my Friday night, trapped in a basement closet with a guy I barely know at a high school party.

Confused? Let's recap.

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Woop-Woop! That's the sound of da police

Woop-Woop! That's the sound of da beast

My eyes snap open and I jump at the blaring music coming from outside my room.


Which spawn was it this time! I groan inwardly, arms flailing in front of me in an attempt to stop the noise.

"Get up Tills, it's 7:45! You have 15 minutes to get ready for school" shouts a voice from below.

"Wuhh" I yelp, whipping the sleep out of my eyes before throwing myself out of bed.

Woop-Woop! That's the sound of da police

Woop-Woop! That's the sound of da beast

"Turn that shit OFF, I'm up Laith". I shout as I yank my closet doors open and snatch random articles of clothing.

Said spawn enters my room, feigning hurt, hand on his 'heart'. The wrong side you fool! "uhhh! I'm Jonah Tilly, you'd think after 17 years you'd be able to distinguish your favorite twin brother from that mangled face of a boy, an atrocity I had the displeasure of sharing a womb with".

I scoff, picking up the growing pile of clothes off my desk chair before throwing them on my bed to find my backpack. "You're identical twins, ergo you just insulted yourself".

"Who the heck is ergo"? He asks scratching his chin thoughtfully. "Oh! Meh, we all know I'm the better looking one" he winks.

"I heard all that you dick" Laith grumbles stopping at my room door

"It was intended you prick" Jonah smirks, brushing past Laith.

Just as I'm about to head to the bathroom, Laith holds out his hand. "It's actually 7:00. Take your time. Oh and heads up, don't use the toothpaste on the bathroom shelf, it's paint- payback for eating his pizza he claims " he shakes his head before leaving the room.

Definitely my favorite twin, hands down. Dumping the makeshift outfit in my hands into the growing pile, I walk back over to my closet.

"Oh and that was my pizza!" I shout back.

First Friday of the school year, aka the day of dressing up before turning back into my usual slob-like self. Nowww, what to wear.


Twenty-five minutes and 1 slice of toast later, I'm sat in my car, fingers tapping against the steering wheel impatiently.

"I'm here I'm here, don't get your granny pants in a twist- oh cute jeans" Gracie says opening the passenger seat of my car.

"Thanks" I say looking down at my pearl adorned denim jeans. "Now get your ass in, we have to pick up Laneya, she said she's low on gas and can't be bothered to waste money so she's forcing me to give her a lift " I sighed pulling out of her street and turning left.

"What's the point in having a car if you're too cheap to buy fuel" she laughs. "This is why I'm waiting to get my car, my sugar daddy can buy me a Mercedes... oh wait no! A Tesla! That's much safer; that way I won't actually have to drive, the car will do it all for me" she rambled twisting her perfect loose ringlets.

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