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[Location: a few miles from the Grimm castle]

In a bullhead just outside the castle, Mercury and Emerald race back to help Cinder, some random White Fang flying the thing.

Emerald: Can't this damn thing go any faster?!

Mercury: Come dow-

Emerald: If you tell me to calm down ONE MORE TIME, I am pushing you out!

Mercury: How do you even know Cinder is back at the castle, anyway?

Emerald: All I got was this random text message from some guy called-

She reaches into her pocket and pulls out her scroll.

Emerald: 8ftblacksugardaddy... Saying 'Yo, sticky fingers, your fiery dominatrix is bleeding in the Grimm castle. Grab your Paralympic champion and get over here.'

Mercury:........ The hell's a Paralympic?

Emerald: WHO CARES!

W.F.p.: Tee minus one minute till arrival.

After arriving at the castle, the two run around trying to find someone for directions to Cinder's whereabouts. They stop to catch their  breath after running for a few minutes

Emerald: I refuse to believe that a castle this big has absolutely NO ONE IN-

Tyrian: Hello~

Emerald: AUGH! You creepy bastard!

Tyrian: So, I see Things 1 and 2 have finally arrived!



Tyrian: I got that one from the Mistress.

Emerald: Yeah great-do you know where Cinder is?

Tyrian: Hmm. Last time checked, I don't care. However, I'm sure the Mistress will know of her location. You will find her highness on the third floor, making her way to the study.

Emerald: Come on, Mercury!

Mercury: I find it weird that you know exactly where she is all the time.

Emerald: Let's go!

She drags him up the stairs to the study to find Salem.

[Location: the study]

The pair rush into the study covered in sweat.

Emerald: "gasp" Do you "gasp" see her?

Mercury: You know the best thing about not having real legs is that I get winded less often then-oh crap, I just figured out what a Paralympic is!

Emerald: You're very helpful. Truly you are.

They walk around for a second before seeing Salem sitting at a table, reading a book.

Emerald: "whisper" There she is.

Mercury: "whisper" Great. Now what?

Emerald: "whisper" We walk up to her and ask very nicely to see Cinder. Easy as that.

Mercury: "whisper" OK...

They continue to stand there, staring at Salem... Then they continue to stand there, staring at Salem.

Mercury: "whisper" Well?

Emerald: "whisper" She's a lot more terrifying than I thought.

Salem: If you two have something to say, say it before I lose my patients.

She says without looking away from her book.

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