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(Y/n)s p.o.v.

As my team and I make our way to the mess hall, they continue to congratulate me on my victory over the famous Pyrrha Nikos.

Elly: That was the most brutal fight I've seen so far, and I love!

Natalie: I can't wait see how we fair in the Vytal Festival.

Brock: I'm just glad that you're on our side and not secretly here to spy on us just to strike us down when we least expect it!

(Y/n): Yeah, I'm a hundred percent badass. The best part about meeting famous people is that you get to remind everyone else that there's always someone better than them.

We finally enter the mess hall.

(Y/n): Anyway, Imma get some food.

Elly: Get me a chicken sandwich.

Brock: I'll have a hot dog.

Natalie: Can you get me a potato salad, please?

(Y/n): Alright I didn't know I was the designated bitch, but okay.

They went to look for a place to sit at while I went to get the food. As I got our food, I see my team sitting with team's RWBY and JNPR, having a good time.

(Y/n): "sigh" You beat somebody up, and now everyone wants to be friends. Me effing damn it.

I make my way to the table and start handing out their orders.

(Y/n): Chicken sandwich.

I place the plate on the table and push it. Elly catches the sandwich as it passes by, letting the plate continue to slide on the table until it falls off and onto the floor.

(Y/n): Hot dog.

I throw the hot dog at Brock's head. He catches it sideways in his mouth, making it look like a smile.

(Y/n): And potato salad, for the young lady that said please.

I gently place the salad in front of Natalie and take my place between her and Brock, placing a plate full of my choice in food in front of me.

Natalie: Thank you.

Nora: Anyway. So... There we were... in the middle of the night...

Ren: It was day...

Nora: We were surrounded by Ursai.

Ren: They were Beowolves.


Ren: Two of'em...

Nora: But they were no match. And in the end... Ren and I took them down and made a boatload of Lien selling Ursa skin rugs!

Ren: "sigh" She's been having this reoccurring dream for nearly a month now...

She's not in a straight jacket, why?...

Pyrrha: Jaune... Are you okay?

Jaune: Huh? Oh, yeah! Why?

Ruby: It's just that you seem a little... not okay...

(Y/n): You look like someone just kicked you in the no-no and stole your lunch money.

Jaune: Eh, guys, I'm fine... Seriously, look!

He sports a forced smile and laughs nervously.

Brock: That smile couldn't fool anyone, even if they were blind.

At that moment, we heard laughing from the other table. Looking over we see Cardin and his cohort of conniving cockheads laughing at a brown haired rabbit faunus. She looks uncomfortable.

Pyrrha: Jaune, Cardin's been picking on you since the first week of school.

Jaune: Who? Cardin Winchester?

(Y/n): No, Benjamin Cardin.

Jaune: Nah... He just likes to mess around, you know? Practical jokes!

(Y/n): So do I. But I usually get a lawsuit afterwords.

Ruby: He is a bully.

Jaune: Oh please... Name one time he's "bullied" me...

Nora: He knocks books out of your hands.

Ren: He wedged your shield in a door frame when he passed by.

Pyrrha: And shoved you into a locker and launched you out of school!

Jaune: I didn't land far from the school...

(Y/n): Why do we have those again?

Pyrrha: Jaune, you know if you ever need help you can just ask...

Nora: OOH! We'll break his legs!

(Y/n): Not good enough. Kill his friends and family, then send him their heads. That should get the message across.

I say nonchalantly as everyone just stares at me.

Jaune: Guys, really, it's fine! Besides, it's not like he's only a jerk to me; he's a jerk to everyone.

???: Ooww, that hurts!

Looking over again, the faunus girl is getting one of her ears tugged by Cardin.

???: Please, stop...

Cardin: I told you it was real!

Russel: What a freak!

Cardin let's go of her ear and she immediately walks off, trying to hold back tears.

(Y/n): Well that was just uncalled for.

Pyrrha: Atrocious. I can't stand people like him.

Blake: He's not the only one.

Yang: It must be hard to be a faunus.

Brock: Yeah. Take Elly for example, she- Where'd she go?

(Y/n): I think she's going over to stomp out bullying.

Looking to my right, I see a very angry looking Elly walking towards Cardin and his C.C.C.s.

Cardin: What do you want, fr-

Without letting him finish Elly sucker punches Cardin in the gut, making him bend forward. She brings her knee up to his face, knocking him on his back right on top of the table. If you pay attention hard enough, you could have seen a stream of blood fly out on contact.

Swinging her fist to the left she hits Russel square in the throat, making him keel over and cough violently. Before Sky could throw a punch, Elly throws her hand out and clenches it into a fist. This action immediately resulted in his crotch being coated in ice. He grabs his groin and falls to his knees, silently screaming. Elly whips her head over and stares down Dove. He just backs away until he trips and falls over.

Satisfied with her work, she makes her way to our table. Everyone is just wide eyed from what just happened, besides me.

(Y/n):... You know what the best part of all that was? She was the only one to actually do anything while all of you just sat there and watched.

Yang: Hey, I didn't see you do anything about it either!

(Y/n): Oh please! Like I would be dumb enough to do anything to anyone in public.

As I chuckle to myself, I look over to the exit and see that faunus girl leave; wiping her eyes. I raise an eyebrow, deep in thought...


A/n: When the Father sets his eyes upon you, you best hope it's out of pity...

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