Start from the beginning

"Ohh. Small world huh?" the man who's real name is Suga told me, with shyness. 

Why did I want  to kiss him again? What is happening to your emotions Fatima? See? This is why RM is the one for you. He knows your messed up tendency  when it comes to the men you choose to be with. Harun was one mistake. Learn from it. 

"Fatima, I'm taking you home. Come on," was all Isaac said before walking ahead.  

"So I guess I will see you tomorrow. I can't wait to get to know you more Kismet," Suga said to me.  

His eyes were brightened up. He looked happy and all I was feeling was guilt. 

"Uhm about the kismet thing, I was just going along with it. I thought it wasn't real. I am sorry for texting you," I said to him in a soft gentle manner. 

Suga looked at me in disbelief. 

"Wow," he said. 

His expression hardened. 

"I am working on a novel and probably the fiction writer in me took over my senses.  Again, I apologized," I said to him. 

"Fatima, it is getting late, hurry up," my boss called me. 

"I'm coming," I answered then walked faster towards his car. 

Suga was left standing there, staring at us while Isaac opened the car and I  got in the front seat with him. 

Isaac started driving and I was aware that this is the first time I am alone with him in his car. 

"How did you find me? Where's your driver?" I asked. 

He inhaled deeply before answering my questions. 

"RM called me up. He said you both had an argument. You wouldn't answer his calls and texts. He was worried that you will go home late and something may have happened to you. I traced you through the GPRS of your phone," he said while looking straight up ahead. 

His tone was normal. I wonder what is on his mind seeing me with Suga, having an argument with RM and me still out at 10 in the evening. 

RM. He must have thought I would listen to my boss that is why he called Isaac. He really lowered his pride in worried of my safety. 

Suddenly, Isaac's phone rang and he answered it. 

"Wa alaykumusalam. She's with me now in the car. We're on our way there," he said then hang up. 

I didn't ask anymore. He just continued driving, not looking at me. I hurt this man. I rejected him. He is my freaking bossy boss. But he still got out from his house, to find me and secure that I head home. Now that gives me a warm feeling. 

For some reason, I feel content as to how this day will end. Alhamdulillah. 

And no, I will not ponder why I like being inside his car, him beside me, driving me home. I will not ponder and analyze on that because as far as how the night events had turned, this by far is my favorite part. 

We came to a stop and realized this wasn't my home. I looked around and yes, it is indeed an ice cream shop. Isaac got down from his car and opened the door for me. He is opening doors for me even after I rudely rejected his proposal. What is wrong with this man? 

"Why are we here?" I asked as soon as  I got  out from the car. 

"I am craving for ice cream. You caused me stress," he said. 

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