25, The Falcon Flies

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Clyde paused. "So how do we help?" He asked finally.

"I will get the Aurea, but before I do, they will likely bring out the Emperor and his daughter. They need protection, though you will have to be subtle about it. Neal, go with Diana, she knows a secure place to go where you can shoot if you have to." Britta smiled with gratitude as everyone agreed with her, and she finished by explaining that they would be safe from the Aurea's power and shielding them.

"Can you control us with it?" Ed asked.

"If we wanted to." Diana murmured. Britta knew her sister and Ed were pleased to see each other again.

"With everything as it is, you probably wouldn't notice." Britta pointed out.

Diana and Ed hugged each other briefly, and then everyone set out.

Britta glanced at Micah again.

"I'll signal you when I have, maybe in your mind, just be aware."

"Okay." He said, seeming to have something else on his mind. Then he asked, "Are you controlling me right now?"

"Of course not I was just meaning that before we could..." She trailed off, caught in his gaze.

A shadow of uncertainty crossed his face, and then he muttered. "I'm not sure if that's good or bad." Then he kissed her. It was so fleeting she wondered if it was real, but she knew it had to be. She stared at him in shock for a few seconds, before he pushed her forwards.

"Go." He said.

"Right, I'll see you after this – it's all over." She stammered, backing away from him. When she was out of sight, she allowed herself three seconds of dizzying emotions and thoughts. Then, she pulled herself together, and began to make her way forwards.

The castle door slammed open, and the Emperor was hustled out, Mable in tow. She caught a flash of movement and knew Ed and Clyde were there.

"Perhaps those of you who are.... reluctant to join, may change their minds when they hear what the Emperor has to say." Britta realized he had to get people to agree of their own accord because he couldn't control them forever.

She pushed forwards until she realized that the group around him were trainees, all guarding him. She stood as close as she dared but couldn't do anything as Mable and the Emperor were brought forwards.

"Your Highness." The Night Falcon mocked. Britta noticed how he gripped the Aurea. Please make Diana's shield hold. "Is it really necessary to try and stop me? I have the Aurea after all." There was a burning hatred in each of his words. "And it's not what Celestial wanted. Give me everything."

A silence spreads over the watching people, and Britta could practically feel the tension buzzing in the air.

At Celestials name, the Emperor had frozen. Now he raised his blue eyes to the sky and whispered something. Then, he met the Night Falcon in the eyes and said. "No."

"Are you sure?" He asked, "Aren't you tired of being a puppet for everyone else?"

The emperor sighed, defeat etched in the lines of his face. He didn't seem concerned and Britta wondered if he had something up his sleeve. Then he bowed his head. "It is the people you must convince." He said.

The Night Falcon smiled wickedly and the masses in front of him turned to face the emperor.

"Coward." The Night Falcon spat. "Your decision was not a good one; you're too used to getting your own way. Watch as your whole Empire is reduced to rubble." He lifted a hand in a signal, and his men turned on the civilians and attacked.

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